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Staff member
Jan 16, 2008
Welcome to RugerForum.com. This is info we hope will make your time here enjoyable and safe.

Read the Rules here:

When and how to use Classifieds:

Per the request of many members...let us know if there are any concerns. It is common sense stuff, but the whole internet thing is new to many folks - May help if you are a first-timer.

To have the ability to PM or start a thread here:
  • Be a member for at least 3 days.
  • Have at least 10 posts.
If you would like to skip these requirements, support the forum by becoming a Site Supporter. Any commercial activity requires an active Vendor Account Upgrade.

  1. Post an asking price, period. No Auctions, No Links to Auctions. (Simply use the new Auction Section for these items.) Items offered for trade should have a reasonable dollar value posted.
  2. Your state of residence must be included in your profile. Posts without a state listed will be deleted.
  3. Please leave the post up after the sale...so that others can get ballpark asking prices in the future. Threads will automatically be moved after 30 days of inactivity.
  4. Be civil.
  5. Sell and buy at your own risk...There have been several reports of a scam artist wanting to send payments to a Nigerian email scam. Use common sense and follow up with your buyer and seller. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. We suggest strongly that if you do sell anything of value or transact a firearm you contact the person directly before you proceed.
  6. Any criticisms you may have regarding the item listed for sale should be addressed privately via the PM system. This includes any alternate price "offers".
  7. We have noted instances where bad results have occurred when an email address or telephone number is posted openly in an advertisement. Scammers abound. We recommend that all initial contacts between sellers and buyers be made via the PM system where contact information can be exchanged securely.
  8. All Federal, State, and Local laws should be followed. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. https://www.atf.gov/
  9. Limit to 2 active listings for Members and 4 active listings for Supporters. Vendors have a separate section.

Safety and Security:

To help protect yourself and your fellow members PLEASE practice good security habits.

~ Use unique passwords and change them frequently
~ Passwords should contain upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols
~ Avoid using the same User Name and Password on multiple sites
~ Be cautious of payment methods like PP F&F, Venmo, Zelle, etc.
~ Don't be an anxious buyer … if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
~ Use the "Report" button at the bottom left of a thread to alert Mods and Admin if it's suspicious
~ Use strong passwords and change them frequently
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