Just an observation on carrying in my state

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May 21, 2017
How horrible. Citizens actually exercising their rights. Why someone should do something about that. Now where's that sarcasm emoji.
By and large I agree, however, seeing some nicumpoop with a soft nylon holster over his back pocket is not comforting. I am fortunate that it is a low crime area or the crooks could make quite a haul at walmart
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
I don't carry open because it's not legal.

But consider this. That old guy with the nylon holster could be a former Marine quite capable of both preventing a gun grab or protecting you and yours.

Something my dad taught me has proven very true. "Before you pick a fight with a man look at his hands". The same principle applies to the "fudd" you are badmouthing.
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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Too true, you never know. Totally non gun related... for years my wife's family had a mountain house in N.C. and to get to it you drove up a one lane curvy road.. there were a number of other vacation homes on the same road.... one day I was coming up from the grocery store and met another car coming down.... now the rule was who ever was nearest to a drive way or area to pull over would back up to that one and let the other car by. this car was just past a drive way and it just sat there and I had to back down about 150 yards to a switch back to let them by... I was pissed... as the guy went by he kind of waved and then I realized my wife had said a certain family was visiting and the guy who owned the house was with them... then I remembered my mother in law telling me that he had survived the Batan death march and years in a Japanese prison camp.... I realized I could back down the hill for him.. that's the least I could do.
Aug 29, 2005
Barnstead, NH
Most NH people from the big lake and southward that carried had to get CCW permits every 5 years and carried concealed. North of the lake more open carried, as there were a lot fewer liberals to offend and fewer criminals to entice. I had a CCW permit for decades, but after the last one expired 2 years back I haven't bothered to get another as we don't need it in NH any longer. VT doesn't require one yet, either. MA, NY, and CT are all enemy territory where carrying is almost impossible. Maine is ok too, but i might go there 3x a year at most.


Dec 4, 2023
I've seen open carry exactly twice when it was first allowed where I live. Not seen it since.
Not a fan of open carry. AM A FAN of your right to do so.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Been to N.H. twice and both times was impressed by the state... but I spent most of my time out in the country... driving back and forth to the Sig Academy. I keep my N.H. permit up just out of principle and also have a Maine permit.... which took a little work to get... especially since they do a back ground check on any applicant and myself and the FBI don't seems to see eye to eye. They seem to think that growing a pot plant while in college 45 years ago still makes me a danger to society.