He's going to want to sit on that side of the table

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Dec 25, 2007
A couple weeks back, I attended my final agency training meeting as sort of a 'going away party'. I was an observer/advisor for my replacement.
The replacement, another employee, and myself went out for lunch at an 'upscale' restaurant and as we reached our table, the other employee stopped his new 'boss' and nodding toward me said "He's going to want that side of the table". New guy had an odd look but moved around the table to sit.
As we were waiting on our food, he asked about the seating. I simply said "I don't sit with my back to the room". The other employee went into the details of why and it still didn't sink in with new guy but that's his problem, not mine. Awareness, tactical advantage, and attitude play a big part in personal safety.


Jun 13, 2015
Sheridan, WY
Awareness, tactical advantage, and attitude play a big part in personal safety.
Facts most underrated by those who eventually become victims. Simply not being glued to a wireless device, and having your head up and scanning will often make you someone that predators will pass on. Also "slicing the pie" while going around corners and being aware of lines of fire, available cover/concealment, and exits (including windows that can be broken out) when you are out and about can go a long way towards ensuring survivability if the balloon goes up.


Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
I went to breakfast at a restaurant where I was led to a small drawing room that had three tables in it. The waitress set the silverware and menu where I would be facing a wall. I moved to where I could look out into the main dining room. I never thought about it, but I guess it was for personal safety. As for as Wild Bill, don't know the true circumstances, but in an old western I watched, Jack McCall came in from a back door of the saloon. If at all possible one should try to sit with a wall behind you.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I'm not as good at it as I would like but do my best to sit so I can see the rest of the room. Years ago I took a two day church safety course along with a woman from my fellowship and she would walk into the room and figure out the best place to sit ... not only to see the room but also be able to escape. She no longer attends and I regret it because if anyone was going to be able to take down someone it was her... I was fully ready to back her up if needed but was sure she could physically and 'otherwise' handle anyone.....
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Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
I know that many in my family, often including my grown children and my wife of 57 years, think that I am paranoid when it comes to public seating among other things. They think that I am paranoid just for carrying a concealed firearm ALL of the time that I am out of my home (where firearms are readily available). They understand the warnings in ads for financial services where it is repeated that "past performance is not a guarantee of future success" but they still seem to believe that just because none of them have ever been a victim, or even a witness to violent crime that it will not happen to them in the future. It has become almost a family joke to them that when we all go out to a restaurant that Dad will want to sit with his back to the wall, facing the entrance to the restaurant.


Sep 17, 2013
Southern California
Geesh, hasn't this guy ever watched a western? Or studied western history. Look what happened to Hickok when sat facing away from the door.
+1 I grew up in the 50s watching westerns and ever since I've been going out on my own I've emulated the white hats and face the door (before that my dad always sat watching the door).
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
How do you spell "paranoia"?
BTW, I also try to always sit facing the entrance and look for an escape route. Some places don't allow such a scenerio and I am slightly uncomforable.....but I am not paranoid. 😰😰
YOu're only paranoid if there is no actual threat. Based on recent published accounts we are all actually threatened most of the time.
Dec 25, 2007
"YOu're only paranoid if there is no actual threat. Based on recent published accounts we are all actually threatened most of the time."
Please tell me/us how one can know BEFORE the threat is presented. AFTER the threat is presented, there's no 'PAUSE/RESET' button so one can run home for their shooter or pick a better spot in the room. The key word is ALWAYS as in always do what can be done to be ahead of the game.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I'm reminded of what we often see in the media... "Police shoot unarmed man". well when did they discover he was unarmed?
I'm slow and I've been trained to draw from concealed and put two rounds to center mass in just over 1.5 seconds....
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I was thinking about this while seeing that I was the last one to post and starting thinking about the potential conflict if two or more 'carriers' wanted to sit with their backs to the wall... this could create a problem... then I realized I have some friends, not a lot but a few, who I would have no problem with them watching my back. I even realized I've been in places where I was more than happy to be unarmed. There were so many armed folks around that I could see and just as many that I couldn't if something bad happened I was only going to be digging hole to get into.