WTS in NC: 380 auto ammo

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May 21, 2008
SC by the Sea
I no longer have any 380s and don't plan on getting another so it needs to go.

1193 rounds of assorted manufacturer 380 ammo

811 rounds of FMJ $300

382 rounds of JHP $285

Take it all for $560 FTF

Transaction to take place in or near Denton, NC. I will ship for actual UPS cost. Not interested in any trades or selling one or two boxes.

The numbers in black marker on some boxes represents the quantity in that box.

If you change your mind about breaking this up, I would be interested. I have no use for 1200 rounds of .380. Please give a yell if anything changes, and good luck with your sale. Hank
Yankee2500, this is a free bump... but just in case you don't sell all this.... I'm hoping to come to the East Coast Ruger Gathering the first weekend of October.. bring all of this or what you have left and we can probably make a deal.
I'd be interested in working a deal for some of the premium self-defense ammo, but have no need for all of it. Just PM me if you decide to part it out. Thanks! 8)

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