Wow, homie wasn't playing around.

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May 13, 2007
Lake of the Ozarks, MO
Now that's a ghetto blaster. 10mm Glock with a drum mag, vertical foregrip with light, optic and giggle switch . . . yikes.

That's at least two federal felony charges right there, and no telling how many state-level felonies in deep blue Illinois.

And being Chicago, the wielder of said piece is probably already back on the streets working on his next couple of felonies. But somewhere the ghost of John Dillinger is smiling in approval.

It's so terrifying, they had to blur the word GUNS...😱
And you're probably right about the perp being back out on the street. They'll just sue Glock and blame Indiana's reasonable gun laws for the crimes of those who don't obey laws anyway.
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I wanna know how they hide those in their pants..... OH, never mind, I think I know the answer

You know there's one thing that will help reduce crime. Do away with plea bargaining and parole.
The pols in IL certainly don't want a program that actually works to reduce gun crimes, like "Project Exile" that Virginia used Very successfully a decade was a big success until the Left looked at the demographics and nearly fainted...then it quietly was abandoned. But, it serves as a model program for any state serious about reducing gun violence...we don't have to reinvent the wheel...we have the knowledge and tools already...we lack the Resolve to actually ID the problem players and remove them from society...blame the guns...always...
Had a White male been caught with that gun it would have made national headlines. Even if there was no connection to Far Right entities, the media and the police would claim it was a "White Supremacist" intent on mass violence against innocent minority victims. Facts would not matter. Bail would be denied and State and Federal prosecutors would meet to decide who gets to crucify the otherwise law abiding White man first.

I am remnded of the famous Bernard Goetz case in NYC. Despite the best efforts of the District Attorney, they could not justify charges for his self defense shooting of several thugs who had attacked him on the subway. But he was given 6 months in jail for his possesion of the handgun used in self defense. Even in those days, minority thugs caught with a gun were routinely "pled down" to a misdemeanor and not give jail time. But because Goetz was White, and his self defense showed clearly the lawlessness happening in NYC at the time, the book was thrown at him. I doubt that anything has changed in the intervening years in places like NYC or Chicago.
Most of the common bangers have cheap throw a way guns, stolen ones, etc....coming across stuff like above is fairly rare. However, the more structured gangs, especially ones that deal in drugs and high end merchandise (IE: Cars) can afford some pretty wild stuff. Some can maintain and customize as good as a reputable gunsmith. A lot of bangers are Vets and learned armorer skills. Once had a banger in the chair who sang more than one song to the gang unit officers about a place where bangers could get their stuff smithed, accessories put on, etc...I saw pics from the raid. Lots of "inventory" and a full work bench. Several AKs, ARs, and Hi Point carbines. Most being converted to full auto. The days of simply sawing off shotgun barrels are long in the past. The apprehension was in Montgomery County Maryland, the "shop" was in Washington DC. Drugs, guns and dogs were confiscated.
Now that's a ghetto blaster. 10mm Glock with a drum mag, vertical foregrip with light, optic and giggle switch . . . yikes.

That's at least two federal felony charges right there, and no telling how many state-level felonies in deep blue Illinois.

And being Chicago, the wielder of said piece is probably already back on the streets working on his next couple of felonies. But somewhere the ghost of John Dillinger is smiling in approval.

View attachment 63453

"Ghetto blaster " 😂 😂
Once the mag is dumped, there's an opportunity for defensive fire during the 10 minutes it takes to reload that mag! 🤠