WOOD bison? Who knew?

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Side note: most folks don't realize that both bison/buffalo as well as elk were in S.C. for a long time... seems the indigenous folks here had cleared out what is now known as the Piedmont by burning it off every couple of years so that both the buffalo and elk would live here.... the middle part of S.C. up into N.C. did not have trees and was a Prarie before the white folks started developing the area.
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I enjoy bison. Especially when they belong to someone else! I brought this young bull home a few years ago. He got out of the ranch with his herd and came down to our green alfalfa pastures for a snack. It took a few hours to move him along and bring him home to safety. Herding a lone bull bison takes patience and persistence. The goal is not piss him off. Some of my neighbors wanted to shoot him for meat. I knew his owner and though better of him.
So do I!! Grilled rare....
We used to serve local bison at my restaurant. I always recommended rare of medium rare if one had to. Many folks here are afraid of myoglobin on their plates. They insist on well done steaks. Then they fight with it on their plate. What they do at home is cook steaks in pressure cookers, then brown in a skillet. :rolleyes: . Something I would never do... except for mutton, maybe.
It's sad how many folks don't know how to cook or the taste of good red meat. I could say more on how I often check to see if a steak is going to be any good cooked rare or at the most medium rare but many of you would discover just how crazy I am. But been doing it for over 50 years.
Different strokes I guess...but especially with YouTube at your fingertips, there is no excuse in my mind, for not being able to grill almost anything to perfection
It's sad how many folks don't know how to cook or the taste of good red meat. I could say more on how I often check to see if a steak is going to be any good cooked rare or at the most medium rare but many of you would discover just how crazy I am. But been doing it for over 50 years.
Do you talk to it really mean and challenge it to a fight 🤔 to see if it's really truly tough ???
A good rule of thumb I use. 1 minute, per side, per 1/4" of thickness (this is on my grill, which I know well). A 2" steak gets 4 minutes per side, then at least a 5 minute rest.
A good rule of thumb I use. 1 minute, per side, per 1/4" of thickness (this is on my grill, which I know well). A 2" steak gets 4 minutes per side, then at least a 5 minute rest.
Do you let it rest between sides ? Or 5 min. After 4 min each side. I like my steak as hot as possible . I prefer to cut and eat that sucker as soon as I can. I hate cold steak.

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