Wolff Spring Fit

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Jul 2, 2009
On the Border
I had a gunsmith buddy fit a Wolff aftermarket hammer spring in my new .44 Special as there was a lot of creep. He said that becasue of the new safety mechanism he had to shorten it by a few coils to fit it. The pull now is very light with 95% of the creep gone. It was a 17 lb. spring from Wolff. Now I'm wondering since he clipped a few coils if it will set off primers. Feedback?
JMHO, but Clipping off a few coils?

Wolff springs are good quality aftermarket stuff.

But.." there was a lot of creep"...
Clipping coils could reduce pull, should not effect "CREEP"!

Maybe I am wrong, others can post and set me straight.....
But sounds wrong to me!
The mainspring has ZERO to do with trigger creep. Trigger creep is caused by too much sear engagement.

The mainsprings in the 50th Anniv. Blackhawks and the .44 Specials are ALREADY to damn soft for my personal use. They are simply "shared" from the New Vaquero's Lockwork, which is tailored to the Cowboy Action Shooting game.

As usual, JMHO,
