Wolf primers ok?

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Dec 14, 2009
Finally found some large pistol primers - Wolf is the only brand they have; any comments on quality? Will be loading .45Colt at medium hunting loads. For that matter, any comments on any other preferred brands of primers would be welcome.
I have been using Wolf large pistol primers for just over a year now. As far as I am concerned they work great for me. Some people have reported receiving a more consistent load after runnig their loads over a chronograph.
So far this year their small pistol primers seem to be doing ok,comparing them to loads with Winchester primers.
I have loaded thousands of SRM (.223) and tens of thousands of LP (.45 ACP) primers from Wolf. I have no complaints whatsoever.
The ONLY negative I've observed (and gotten feedback on) is from using Small Rifle in handguns; too hard.

No negatives heard about other types. Some might find their slightly larger diameter 'bad', but I think it fine. Means less likelyhood of gas escape.

"Seat 'em and beat 'em"
So, what's the deal with the Wolf small rifle "For 223"? There is no explanation of why they're "For 223" in the specs. Marketing ploy?? Harder cup?? Anyone know for sure??
Mobuck said:
So, what's the deal with the Wolf small rifle "For 223"? There is no explanation of why they're "For 223" in the specs. Marketing ploy?? Harder cup?? Anyone know for sure??

The AR has a floating firing pin with no return spring. It can slam fire when soft primers are used so hard primer cups are recommended to prevent it from happening.
That said,I have used standard primers in my AR's for years and have never had or seen a slam fire in an AR.
If you extract a loaded round ,that was feed normally after another shot was fired,
And look closely at the primer, you will see a tiny indent in the primer from the firing pin. That is caused by the firing pin sliding back and forth inside the bolt as it operates. Inertia of the firing pin after the bolt stops as it seats into battery.