why stainless not blue?

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Some guys like big butts, some guys like skinny ones. There's just no accounting for taste. I like the SS when I am hunting in wet conditions and snow just simply for the low maintenance...but I hunt with blued guns just as much.
COR":39e14wg2 said:
Some guys like big butts, some guys like skinny ones
HA! I never thought I'd see that on a gun forum. :lol:

Agree though, I have a stainless .357; but my semi-auto, I preferred the blue - don't know why, they just struck me as looking better I guess.

I do like stainless on my rifles though; mainly as said before, I am more likely to use them in bad weather.
The stainless will be more "maintenance free" than a blued gun although it's not like a blued gun is gonna rust on you as soon as it's taken out in the rain, if you use basic care either will last a lifetime for you.

I use stainless and blued Ruger revolvers for hunting and I prefer the blued over the stainless if given a choice. I just think the blued guns look better.
I prefer the looks of the blued revolvers, but I do find that stainless wears a lot better and is easier to bring back to looking right after wear. Plus, if you have the gun worked on (caliber changed, barrel shortened), it's easier to refinish.

I do like a bead-blasted look, though, on stainless - less glare and less albedo to attract unwanted attention. Easy to touch-up as well.
Over time, with use, stainless just holds up better. You can also buff out scratches and repair the finish if the damage isn't too bad. Blue guns are beautiful though!
It's what they choose, what they like. Blonds, brunettes, redhead... Personal choice. To each their own.
Stainless is more corrosion resistant.

I've always been drawn to the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi, a kind of beauty that exists in weathered or worn objects.

I love the honest wear blue provides.

way to go gang just wanted to ask the question it's allways about personal choice and this happens to be one place we can show our differences. blued steel is how ever stronger so it is the only way i go for my 45lc however if all you can get is SS i would take a redhawk in stainless for 400 anyone got one for that ???? of course it" like my old man told me along time back if you find a blued gun that has honest wear and alot of it you can pick her up pretty darn cheap kinda fits in with blkhawk73's thoughts do'nt it? :lol: :lol: boy howdy would i like to find a 45 redhawk in blue those puppies are hard to find and there again if it's pristeen they would want an arm and leg for it but if it was worn well there i go dreaming again MIKE.
and I like the "fresh, crisp, clean look of a 'like new' nicely polished stainless steel firearm........but for "classic" looks , then its the blue steel and color case receivers...oh well....each has its supporters.
Sorry, "character" leaves me, we hate to see a gun badly worn, especially if its from neglect and misuse.............and I KNOW the difference "why". :wink:
If it is a good deal I obviously can't say no to either one..... That said isn't it kewl that all the 3 screw guns are blue! Just traded for a custom NM that was blue and is now hard chromed.... :p
A gun is a tool, stainless is the best material to make that particular tool out of. Simple as that. :wink: Not only do you get the cool bling bling, but, you can also almost always refinish it in just a few minutes to look like new again, since the stainless can't wear off.

Let's face it, blueing is an antiquated, outdated process. It was invented when they didn't have stainless steel, and only for protection, not looks. If Sam Colt had stainless steel to play with, I can bet you blued revolvers would be nearly non existant today.
Let's face it, blueing is an antiquated, outdated process. It was invented when they didn't have stainless steel, and only for protection, not looks.

You have obviously never seen a beautifully blued gun. Some like Stainless, some like blue. I have both, but I prefer blued.
Driftwood Johnson":1xv768aq said:
You have obviously never seen a beautifully blued gun. Some like Stainless, some like blue. I have both, but I prefer blued.
It has eventually evolved into something that can be done very nicely, but when it was invented, it was purely functional. To me it's the same as a coat of paint, and I don't like that color. If blueing were more like anodizing, in that you could get any color you want, I would be more interested.
What's not to like? (I like both, BTW)

Stainless is for people who are worthless ne'er-do-wells who are just too darn lazy to maintain their firearms like a man should.

Oh, here's a picture of my Rugers:

That goes for rubber grips, too!
I don't like skinny butts or big butts, but rather ones that are just right. Oh wait a minute, we were supposed to be discussing blued versus stainless.......I love beautifully blued guns but I love to pack my stainless Redhawk as I feel I can use it and forget about holster wear etc, kind of a utility gun more of a tool than a collectable.
Blued guns, rust and wear. SS doesn't... I guess I'm wonna dem thar
worthless ne'er-do-wells who are just too darn lazy to maintain their firearms like a man should