Why do you carry a gun?

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I gave you my response you chose to dismiss because he was a cop and you came up with absolutely zip to refute it. I'm not going back and forth or wasting my time further. Anonymous internet lawyer, you just stick with that, it'll fly well.

My statement was simple, there is no statutory requirement to hang around or call anyone. You can't or won't refute that claim with a statute so you go off on a tangent about moral obligations, perceptions, and blah, blah, blah. A moral obligation is not a legal obligation.
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Actually in almost all jurisdictions it is against the law. It's called "failure to report a crime". The underlying crime you didn't report was either what caused you to have to shoot him, or the fact that you shot him if he wasn't committing a crime.
This bickering back and forth does not move the needle in this debate. Actual trial proven attorneys who represent actual self defense shootings universally agree; that one should Not leave the scene, Unless there is a demonstrable danger to your life by remaining at the scene...such as a violent demonstration, riot situation etc.
The act of "leaving" while generally not a crime in itself, "may" be viewed unfavourably by first the District Attorney and ultimately by a jury...the DA is responsible for either filing charges against the shooter, or depending upon the jurisdiction, referring the case to a Grand Jury for their recommendations...in either case, I don't want ANY negative impressions made by me as the shooter.
One final thought; if you are among the thousands of us who presently have Concealed Carry insurance...I would urge anyone who thinks leaving the scene is a prudent course of action, to simply call your CCW insurer and ask them...that should be your "final" word.
I carry because I refuse to have to rely upon mercy from some scum of the earth thug intent on robbing or killing me or a member of my family. Carrying a gun certainly does not guarantee that I would prevail if attacked, but it certainly improves my chances dramatically.

While not technically related to carrying, last night while my wife and I were fast asleep the security alarm went off, blasting me out of bed with the shrieking of that alarm. The panel said that the glass had been broken in a specific room, but in fact nothing had happened. But having that gun at my bedside, immediately in my hand made me feel a lot more confident that neither my wife nor I would be found dead or injured in the morning than if I did not have that gun available. The same sense applies every time I leave the house, knowing that I have more capability than I would as an 81 year old with numerous health issues in terms of defending myself.
I usually don't as where I work is both extraordinarily rural but anytime I'm in the wilderness I carry 2 revolvers a 22 in my pack for no legged snakes and a 44 for 2 legged snakes
Interesting. When I go to the desert I now carry a Blackhawk and SS in cross draw holsters. Really only need one or the other but it is fun and I look good doing it.
I never carry more than one. I doubt that my safety would be enhanced by carrying two, or by carrying multiple extra mags, etc. In fact, carrying a 5 round snubbie revolver is enough for me to feel comfortable that I am as ready as I will ever be for self defense, even though I do feel a tad better with a higher capacity semi auto.
I've carried for over 45 years and twice in that time frame I came close to having to use it. I've always told my wife that I will do everything I can to not have to use it, I also made it very clear to her that if she is with me and I have to pull my gun I will use it. Sometimes your not given a choice. Again, it is best to do all you can to avoid having to use it.
Here's Mossad Ayoob

I can't stand the man
While I can understand someone having a bias against a LEO -- due to some past incident perhaps? -- I will say this about Ayoob. When MD was trying (and succeeding) to enact all the communist bills it could in 2013 after the Sandy Hook shooting, he showed up at the MD legislature along with the rest of us to testify against the bills. I don't know whether he actually live in MD or not. I suspect not, as it seems he comes from a rather free state. If he doesn't, then that's just more reason for me to respect him.

As for the original question, I think I already answered.

As for just walking away... I'm sure that would get me crucified here in MD. Although, I'm probably going to get crucified anyway... but I don't want to give them more ammo. Or a bigger hammer, I guess. To avoid mixing metaphors.
While I can understand someone having a bias against a LEO -- due to some past incident perhaps? -- I will say this about Ayoob. When MD was trying (and succeeding) to enact all the communist bills it could in 2013 after the Sandy Hook shooting, he showed up at the MD legislature along with the rest of us to testify against the bills. I don't know whether he actually live in MD or not. I suspect not, as it seems he comes from a rather free state. If he doesn't, then that's just more reason for me to respect him.

As for the original question, I think I already answered.

As for just walking away... I'm sure that would get me crucified here in MD. Although, I'm probably going to get crucified anyway... but I don't want to give them more ammo. Or a bigger hammer, I guess. To avoid mixing metaphors.
Good for him trying to help out in MD....And I do realize that he may be an "expert" in terms of being qualified to offer testimony in certain court cases....but...On the other hand, I've known him be dead wrong on many of his opinions regarding procedures, recommendations, and often even the Law itself....Of course, any of us can be wrong about something from time to time. Thing is though, When a supposed "expert" continuously babels on about things he assumes to be true without actually checking the Law surrounding his teachings, I have to wonder why so many take everything he says as gospel. I will hand him this much though; He is one heck of a salesman.
