Which one ? SP101

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Aug 22, 2009
3 inch or 2 1/4 inch.

Which do you have ?

Why did you chose ?

i'm thinking strong about a purchase.
I have the 3 1/16". Sight radius, velocity, and I feel like I'm getting more for my money......strange I know. I actually didn't like mine at first. It's heavy for a little guy. The fixed sights aren't for target work. It took some adjustments on my part and I really like it. I handload and mine likes the 125 grain JHP over a healthy dose of H110 or 2400.
3" for me. I wanted something as a compromise that I could CC but also use as a hiking gun. The longer barrel allows me to conceal it just as easily but a bit less comfortably than the 2" and have something lighter than an N frame Smith or GP100 to keep my packing weight low.
Speed Six 2 3/4 SS 357 would be my first choice ...

Securuty Six Blued 2 3/4 barrel 2nd.

Gp100 3in 3rd

SP101 ????? 4th
I bought mine specifically for CC, so I got the 2 1/4" .357, and it came with factory installed CT grips. I originally wanted one with a spurless hammer but didn't want to wait for it so I got the hammer model. Now I'm kinda glad I did. I haven't had any problems concealing it and I sometimes like to shoot SA at the range.
Got a 3" and glad I did. I already have a 642 Smith hammerless and wanted something a bit more substantial. I just think a 3" .357 is a better all 'round weapon. It's not like the 2 1/4" is lighter or much smaller than the 3". Doubtful either will be pocket carried much although you could jam either into a pocket short term. Maybe you should handle both and get the one that appeals to you the most.
i had a 2" the first time around and i liked it but i didnt see much point in full power loads. they just didnt cronograph very much over the +ps. the fireball was tremendous however and the noise woulda scared a perp to death even if i missed. the 3" seems to chrono alot better and isnt to far below my 4" speed six. still has blast and noise but i dont think its as excessive (havnt had the 2" for along time)

concealment for me is ussually about frame size. i can conceal a full 1911 as well as a comander and a 4" model 19 as well as a 2" but that all depends on how you carry. i like to carry small of back inside waistband holsters or hip with an unbutoned overshirt
I have the 2.25" Sp101 in .357 and .22lr and love them both. They are highly concealable, extremely accurate, and look very sharp with a set of badger custom grips on them. If you are looking for strictly a target gun, go with the longer barrel. If not, consider the 2.25". You won't be dissapointed.
I'm picking up a As NIB Security Six 2.75 in barrel tomorrow ..its blue..tied it up..layaway of sorts....and tried again to get a hold of the fellow with the 3in Sp101
The SP101 is supposed to be a small gun. The 2-1/4" barrel keeps it in the scheme of small.

If I really think I need a longer barrel, then I grab a bigger gun.

Now, since your original test question was only about SP101's, and you've now brought up Security Sixes, then I have to broaden my choices, too. If you're considering a 3" barrel, then the 2-3/4" Security Six is the most optimum choice for a handgun, in that size range. Why? Because they're much easier to shoot, still packable, easy to maintain, and they'll get you chicks. 8)

So, you might ask, with that logic, why would I have a 4" SP? Well, there are exceptions. So, you better get them all. :lol:

Had both, kept the 3". It seems that about any 3" DA just handles/balances/shoots great for me.
Plus, the full power rounds in that 2 1/4" were "eye-opening".

I have the 2 1/4" spurless hammer model in 375. I wanted it for the concealability and the snag free aspect of the hammer. I am just starting to shoot this little gun, but I think it will be great.

I also like my stainless Speed-Six 357, 2 3/4". It has a wonderful double action trigger and is darn near as concealable as the SP101 and has one more round capacity to boot.


I have the 3 inch sp 101. I originally bought it as an outdoors gun. Use it for ccw now. To do over would like the sp101 in a 4 inch barrel(I know they don't make it) for a woods gun or a 2inch for ccw.
Own a 2 1/4.
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c351/ ... 0_9032.jpg

Magnaported so kicks less than both in standard barrel lengths.
Like OysterMan's, mine also wears Crimson trace laser grips.
At short range...ya barely use the sites, at longer range...the CT's are a cool thing
to have...lol

I did see a few years back,
A comparison of the SP101 with both barrel lengths.

Results were....both can be worn and hidden evenly.
Were mine STOCK...think would go for the longer barrel.

The bullet travels SLIGHTLY faster...not enough to matter IMHO, but the added sight distance did add to accuracy with stock guns.
Just my 2 cents.


To those that own the snubbie version of the Security SIX...KUDO's.....
Know the SS well.....total envy.....lol ;)

And for those that think the SP101 is heavy......

Drop very little bucks on an UNCLE MIKE'S nylon pancake holster.
Mine holds the gun close, Never even notice the gun there!
It all depends on how you want to carry it. I chose the 2 1/4" for my SP simply because, for what I wanted it for, the 3" wouldn't have worked out at all.

I bought mine to carry as backup on duty when I work at the PD and for off duty carry. When carried on duty, it is carried in a holster strapped to my body armor. For this use, 3" was just too long and would have stuck further down than my belt line. 2 1/4 is actually pushing it and, when sitting, the muzzle rides on the top of my duty belt.

If I was carrying it strictly IWB, then the 3" would have worked out just fine. With the 3", you get a longer sight radius and, likely, less muzzle blast and flash, meaning it should be easier to shoot well. However, it may be incompatible with your carry style, so check it out before buying. Either would do you just fine, as long as they fit in with your carry style.

Probably not much help, but I couldn't decide so I got both. The bobbed hammer 2" carries iwb, ankle holster and and in the front pocket of jeans much better, but in layered clothes weather I prefer the 3" for belt slide carry for the slightly better pointability (for me). If you have another snubby I'd say go for the 3", if you have a GP sized companion I'd say go for the 2". If neither consider how you'll likely carry the most. Either way you'll love it.

Sorry, not a lot of help, huh?
I don't know ... I'm going round-and -round on this one to... how ever I chose to remove my gut feelings on this choice and only go with what was logical to me.

If you want the hammer whats the big deal?... go with the 3-incher... if you got to have the bobbed for the highest concealment possible then you might as well go with the 2 1/4 inch.
I had to go with the 3&1/16" because that is all there was [.327]
I like the longer barrel; however, it does present an issue since most SP 101 holsters I've seen in the LGS's are for the shorter barrel, so the barrel must stick though the holster some. In the long run, that has not really been a problem for me.
I have a 2 1/4 in .357 . I bought this for my EDC and for this I prefer the shorter barrel . I wear overalls a lot and when I do carry the SP101 in my front pocket. When I wear jeans, I carry OWB.


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