Where to buy conicals for the Ruger old army pistol

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I don't know of a commercial source for finished bullets but molds for casting your own are inexpensive.
I don't know of a commercial source for finished bullets but molds for casting your own are inexpensive.
I appreciate your response. I have acquired a round ball mold, now I will be in search of a conical mold, probably in the hollow based variety.
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Lee makes one specifically for the ROA. It's a .456 dia which is larger than the other BP revolvers.

I usually get my molds off eBay. I can get them for the Lee list price or lower with free shipping. It's also my go-to for out of production molds. Used can be even cheaper & I'm fine with an already broken in mold if the price is right.
Might try these folks. Currently out of stock but it states call or email.
I modify some of the bullets that I have. I purchased 100 conical bullets and found they are not very good for hunting. So I machined the back side of the bullets with a 3/8" drill which now will allow the bullet sides to conform to the rifling in the barrel. It's slightly hollow to accomplish this and causes the bullet to spin faster. Then with a centering drill I make the front tip into a "hollow point". This allows the bullet to knock down the animal instead of it going straight thru. Takes off some of the weight so the bullet will go faster out of the barrel too.
Thank you for your response Larry 8...While I understand the hollow base in this type of pure lead bullet due to the fact that you want obturation to seal the hot gases at the skirt of the bullet, I don't believe there's a need for me to have any kind of hollow point in it due to the fact that it is pure lead and it's very soft. I want to retain all the weight that I can because it's only traveling about 900 ft per second
Might try these folks. Currently out of stock but it states call or email.
Thank you for that Hunter 58 I will try them!
I would like to make my own as well but it will be a few more months. I've got a lot of work going on right now. Appreciate you
I would like to make my own as well but it will be a few more months. I've got a lot of work going on right now. Appreciate you

Might be good to try some conicals, before committing to buying a mould.

I've only shot round ball out of my ROA, but I've considered fooling with conicals, many times.

Seems that most folks report better accuracy with round ball. I wonder if they're getting the conicals seated squarely(.).

Since I don't have any particular NEED for anything besides round ball (I'm just plinking), I've never pursued conicals. I'm not averse… I just have about 2,000 other shooting-related projects in line, first… 😂

Kaido Ojamaa has done some experimenting with conicals in the ROA. Try Googling his name, if you're serious about conicals in the ROA. He might be a good person to get in touch with, to discuss specific questions.

Edit: looks like Mike Belliveau (Duelist1954) on YouTube has a bunch of videos on ROA and conicals. I haven't watched any of them but it might be interesting.

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