Whats a clean-burning 22 rimfire ammo ?

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Aug 11, 2008
Whats a clean-burning 22 rimfire ammo, or is there such an animal ? Are they all equally dirty ?

Mr. Boom

May 3, 2009
Sunny Nevada
I use CCI only. Pretty clean, and never had a misfire. Mini-Mags, and Blazer both work good in my 10/22 and my Marlin 60


Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
The Federal Bulk sold at Walmart in 550 packs is about as clean as I've seen. I'll routinely put 2000 of them through most of my guns before even thinking about cleaning. And I've got guns that have run 5K of them with no maintenance whatsoever. They leave the bores minty fresh, too! :wink:


Jan 17, 2009
Same guns, same ammo, different results.

Been shooting up the Rem 22lr I purchased from CMP for a long time.

Fired a 1000 (2 bricks) rds in my MK I last time I used it. Never a problem, very little residue left behind. Luv my HKS mag loader.

Take my Nylon 66, Marlin 60 SB, or other 22 rifle and about all I expect is 200-300 rounds before it is too fouled to function safely.

What works in mine may not work in yours, & vice versa.


Mar 25, 2008
SW Ohio
wrightd":3b3hg60v said:
Whats a clean-burning 22 rimfire ammo, or is there such an animal ? Are they all equally dirty ?
Wrightd ... while all ammo creates some degree of powder residue, there are certainly some that run dirtier then others (Remington in my experience being the worst offender). With that said, a major factor in how quickly your firearms will become dirty is directly related to the amount of lubricant that you use. While too little can adversly affect proper cylcing and accelerate the ware of moving parts, too much lubricant will attract excess powder residue and foul your guns very rapidly (as well as accelerate ware due to the grit suspended in the excess oil). Since I clean each of my guns after each trip to the range, I tend to use as little lubricant as possible.


Aug 31, 2005
Snake45":63km3fa5 said:
The Federal Bulk sold at Walmart in 550 packs is about as clean as I've seen.

Ammo is usually real clean when it doesn't go off when it's struck by the firing pin ! :D

ANY ammo that comes in anything that looks like a milk carton is garbage ... period. If you want quality 22 ammo, spend the money and buy CCI ... it's not that much more expensive anymore.



Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
revhigh":mloxrptw said:
Snake45":mloxrptw said:
The Federal Bulk sold at Walmart in 550 packs is about as clean as I've seen.

Ammo is usually real clean when it doesn't go off when it's struck by the firing pin ! :D

ANY ammo that comes in anything that looks like a milk carton is garbage ... period. If you want quality 22 ammo, spend the money and buy CCI ... it's not that much more expensive anymore.

Don't buy it, then. Just leave it on the Walmart shelf. I'll take care of it while you shoot "the high-priced spread."


Mar 25, 2008
SW Ohio
revhigh":pqriqeoc said:
ANY ammo that comes in anything that looks like a milk carton is garbage ... period. If you want quality 22 ammo, spend the money and buy CCI ... it's not that much more expensive anymore.REV
REV ... While in a side by side comparison, CCI @ 8 - 17 cents per round is certainly superior to the Federal Bulk pack @ 2.5 cents per round, it is certainly not 3 - 7 times cleaner or 3 - 7 times more accurate. In a match situation I'll spend the extra money, but for casual target practice, I'll take the 2.5 cent "Garbage" every time (must be why they have a sanitary engineer standing behind me at the range :lol:)


Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
BuckJM53":1zju0iyk said:
REV ... While in a side by side comparison, CCI @ 8 - 17 cents per round is certainly superior to the Federal Bulk pack @ 2.5 cents per round, it is certainly not 3 - 7 times cleaner or 3 - 7 times more accurate. In a match situation I'll spend the extra money, but for plinking I'll take the 2.5 cent "Garbage"
Church! :wink:


Feb 8, 2008
Chicago, IL
I would say it all depends...What kind of gun are you shooting it out of?

.22 normally has no feeding issues when used in a revolver or a bolt action rifle, that maybe even the case with a lever or pump rifle.
Finding .22 ammo that always functions in a specific semi-auto every time can be a bit of a task.
If we are talking about a semi-auto gun then I would feel reliability would be more important than cleanliness.
I do like using cleaner burning ammo in all of my guns and I do think bulk ammo can run a little dirty.
I use CCI minimags in my semi-autos and I get them for about $.09 a round, 5 cents less for bulk ammo it isn't worth the savings if it doesn't function (cycle) on a consistent basis, JMO.
CCI's ammo is probably the cleanest burning I have found in .22 but we are talking about .22 ammo so I don't think any of it runs exceptionally clean.


Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
Cheesewhiz":gqcq8xhp said:
I use CCI minimags in my semi-autos and I get them for about $.09 a round, 5 cents less for bulk ammo it isn't worth the savings if it doesn't function (cycle) on a consistent basis, JMO.
I've tested somewhere between two and three dozen (maybe more) semiauto .22 rifles and pistols of various kinds and I have yet to see one that wouldn't reliably feed the cheap Federal Walmart Bulks (or the once-cheap, but sadly no longer so, Winchester Dynapoints).

Now, reliably cycling them is another matter. I have one pistol and two rifles that won't cycle 100% on the Fed Bulks--not enough power. All three of them run just fine on the much peppier Remington Golden bullets. Luckily all three of them feed the GBs--I have other guns that won't (but those guns run on the Feds just fine).

I also have three or four "pocket" type .22 pistols that won't cycle the Fed Bulks for the first three or four rounds in the mag (too much mag spring tension), but will shoot them after that. I shoot these by loading the top three or four rounds with the (more expensive) Rem GBs and the rest with Fed Bulks.

I've been playing with .22s and feeding them cheap ammo for a while now, can you tell? :wink:


Aug 31, 2005
BuckJM53":27asl0ux said:
revhigh":27asl0ux said:
ANY ammo that comes in anything that looks like a milk carton is garbage ... period. If you want quality 22 ammo, spend the money and buy CCI ... it's not that much more expensive anymore.REV

REV ... While in a side by side comparison, CCI @ 8 - 17 cents per round

http://trophys.dealerease.net/catalog/p ... &pid=22085

8-17 cents ?? Those are pretty inflated numbers, MSRP is only $8.59 per hundred, and who pays MSRP ? CCI minimags are $5.49 per hundred where I live, and can be gotten for $4.99 on sale. 4.99-5.49 cents per round, or about $25-27 per brick. When cheap 22 ammo was 6.99 per brick not long ago, your comparison was valid. Now that garbage ammo is $18 or so per 'milk carton', the difference is no longer worth considering, when you look at the quality of the ammo. I've had failure rates upwards of 10% (10 out of 100) with the bulk ammo, and that's just unacceptable. it's dangerous at a range when you have someone fiddling with their gun after it's failed to fire. Somehow guns get pointed in all kinds of dangerous directions when inexperienced shooters are trying to clear a jam/misfire. I agree that the failure rate is 'slightly' less from revolvers than from autos but that doesn't matter to me.

There simply is no more reliable, cleaner, or more reasonably accurate 22 ammo out there than CCI, unfortunately.


Mar 25, 2008
SW Ohio
revhigh":2r6htjqa said:
8-17 cents ?? Those are pretty inflated numbers, MSRP is only $8.59 per hundred, and who pays MSRP ? CCI minimags are $5.49 per hundred where I live
Rev ... Inflated figures?? :shock:

1. Your listed source charges $39.45 for 500 shipped ground ($28.45 for 500 plus $11 shipping). Unless my calculator is on the fritz, 39.45 / 500 = 7.8 cents per round (Hear in my area, I haven't seen minimags anywhere for less than $6.99/100)

2. The 17 cent high end number is based on the purchase of CCI "Match Grade" ammo http://www.22ammo.com/pistol_match.html.

3. I'm sorry that the "Garbage Ammo" is $18.00 per milk carton where you live (I get my Federal 550 bulk around here for $13.47)

4. With Federal 550 bulk (and my MKIII512), I generally have less than a 1% failure rate (I only had 2 failures out of my last milk carton :wink:)

Rev ... While I can appreciate your love of CCI minimags (I like them too) when you shoot over 20,000 .22 rounds per year (like I do), the savings is significant (about the price of one decent 1911). :D


Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
BuckJM53":2ckox6if said:
3. I'm sorry that the "Garbage Ammo" is $18.00 per milk carton where you live (I get my Federal 550 bulk around here for $13.47)

4. With Federal 550 bulk (and my MKIII512), I generally have less than a 1% failure rate (I only had 2 failures out of my last milk carton :wink:)
Walmart just jacked up the Fed Bulks from $13.47 to $15.47. When they have it, which is hit or miss lately (but that's better than the four months they didn't have ANY). Last time they had Rem GBs they were $17-something. Last time they had Winchester Xperts they were $12-something (several months ago). But four of the eight boxes I bought turned out to be junk, so I haven't bought any more of that.

I've had a consistent 1-2% dud rate with Rem GBs over the last three years. In just the last two years I've had a similar dud rate with Fed Bulks. The Feds will go off with a second strike but the Rems will not. I've never had anything close to a 10% dud rate with ANY .22 ammo (except some Argentine "Concord" brand about 20 years ago). Oh, it SEEMS like 10% when you get one, but the numbers actually come to 1-2% (I keep count).

If you're getting 10 percent duds, there might very well be something wrong with the gun. I have a Diamondback with a light mainspring AND short firing pin protrusion that can give something like 10% duds, BUT as I said I know the gun's not optimum and I don't hold the performance against the ammo.


Aug 31, 2005
I don't need shipping ... I buy mine locally, I was just giving you an example, not saying to buy them there. Hey shoot what you want. When minimags are $25 per brick, that's all I'll use. Nothing wrong with my guns either, minimags go off EVERY SINGLE TIME. I can't be bothered to eject a round from an auto, drop the clip, reload the round and TRY to have it go off with a second strike. Just not worth it to me, especially considering the exceptional accuracy that the MM's have, and the fact that they NEVER jam because they're a hotter round. I've had very good luck with Winchester Wildcats as well, who I've heard some say are repackaged Dynapoints. I bought 15 bricks a few years ago when they were on sale at Cabelas for $6.99 per brick. Still have 5 or 6 bricks of them left.

To each his own, but my MM's cost 5 cents each !

Take it easy.



Aug 31, 2005
BuckJM53":3mz43c4p said:
I'm sorry that the "Garbage Ammo" is $18.00 per milk carton where you live (I get my Federal 550 bulk around here for $13.47)

Don't be sorry Buck it leaves more for you guys who like it. I wouldn't buy it if it were $5 per brick, and I truly mean that.



Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
revhigh":1pm22iyp said:
I can't be bothered to eject a round from an auto, drop the clip, reload the round and TRY to have it go off with a second strike. Just not worth it to me, especially considering the exceptional accuracy that the MM's have, and the fact that they NEVER jam because they're a hotter round.

I don't do all that dance with my duds, either. The Rems I eject and pick up and put in a box at the end of the day. The Feds I eject and keep on shooting. I'll pick those up at the next mag-loading and reload them and they almost always go off the second time.

Good for you getting CCI MMs for 5c a shot. They always shot well for me but I haven't seen them for less than 7c a shot for over a year. I shoot 20-25K a year so I have to go for the cheapest possible ammo that will shoot well in any given gun. Nearly 100% of my shooting is done standing these days so I don't really need "ultimate accuracy" as you can't tell from my offhand groups anyway. :wink: