What was he thinking?

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When I was a high school senior a friend of mine, who had quit school to join the Navy, got a tattoo of a heart with his girlfriend's name on it. He had this done the first time he had a weekend pass during his Navy boot training, and was excited to show it to the girlfriend when he would be able to come back to NYC after his training. Before he was able to come home for a visit, she broke up with him. He later went back to a tattoo artist and had the heart filled in with black ink to cover the name, but when the light was right you could still make out the name. That was enough to convince me to never get a tattoo.
When I was a high school senior a friend of mine, who had quit school to join the Navy, got a tattoo of a heart with his girlfriend's name on it. He had this done the first time he had a weekend pass during his Navy boot training, and was excited to show it to the girlfriend when he would be able to come back to NYC after his training. Before he was able to come home for a visit, she broke up with him. He later went back to a tattoo artist and had the heart filled in with black ink to cover the name, but when the light was right you could still make out the name. That was enough to convince me to never get a tattoo.
My father had several tat's on both arms from his 1940's Navy days, They were of an old antiquated style, one dimensional and diminished quality with age. In fact it got to where you couldn't tell what they were as time went by. That is why I could never talk myself into a tat. I came close on several occasions but always backed down.
Here is one for all of the cops on the site!
No tats on me. I'm with gnappi- I find tats and smoking a complete turn-off. Doesn't matter- married 44 years to a beautiful woman, I don't need to look elsewhere.

Now, my son has about the coolest tat I've ever seen. It's the Archangel Michael, holding the devil in a headlock, and pressing a .45 to the back of his head.
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Many of you here assume the banger in he OPs pic had a desire or wanted to get these tats, or that they were all from prison. Big chance he did not choose himself which he got or where, or even in prison. They are known to hold celebration parties when these things are "awarded". I had one guy in the chair once that showed me a blood drop behind his ear with a scar across it. He earned the blood drop tat when he was "beat in" the day he joined. The scar was from a knife. When he requested out of the gang they beat him to near death, and crossed it off with knife blade. The responding gang unit officer confirmed it.
Part of my morning routine with coffee is to check the local county jail arrests. (Yes, I know, strange hobby)
Ran across this genius. What was he thinking when he sat down in the tattoo parler? 🤔
View attachment 63074
Those are a prison tats... MF scares me real bad! If he were in my presence I would certainly keep and eye on him and be suspicious of his activity.
Back when I was in the USMC --'64 - 68 one of the USN Corpsman assigned to the unit I was in had several tatoos:

--Rope wrapped around his stomach about 7-8 times.
--Think he had hinges on the inside of both arms at the elbows.
--Hinges on the back of both legs at the knees.
--"Sweet" and "sour" on his pectorals