What was he thinking?

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They say never judge a book buy it's cover but this might be the exception. If the tat location doesn't convince you, the orange clothing is enough to prove he's made several poor decisions.
Face and neck tattoos are just screaming to the world that you are a charter member of the Richard Cranium Society. I have very well done professional tattoos on both arms and my chest but I would never put one on my face or neck.

I have seen plenty of stupid things that people do when it comes to tattoos. I knew a prison "scratcher" who thought you could sterilize the needles by holding them on a screen over the steam from a tea kettle.

You can buy a complete tattoo kit including the ink and needles for under $50 and plenty of people do just that.

I have a good friend who is my tattoo artist and he does quite a bit of cover-up work on people who got tattoos that they "Regert"

My wife's uncle had a pair of ship's screws tattooed on his rear end that his shipmates got done on him when he was drunk. He showed me the first time I met him when he saw the tattoos on my arms.

It takes all kinds to make the world go around....
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I have nothing against Tattoos. I have one. It is a copy of one my grandfather had done by Lefty in Scollay Square. My Dad added a banner and my Mom's name. I copied his with my wife's name.

But to just put random doodles in random places makes no sense to me. Especially on your face. Tattoos should mean something.

I was planning on getting covered in tattoos when I was young and dumb. Then I found an old T shirt I loved a few years earlier. But it wasn't something I liked anymore. Suddenly I realized what if that had been a tattoo? I'd be stuck with it forever.
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Here it is.


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But to just put random doodles in random places makes no sense to me. Especially on your face. Tattoos should mean something.

Well in the case of this fine upstanding person in the OP pic they are not doodles and makes perfect sense to him and his gang buddies. They identify who's with who and what he's done.....theft, beat down, shooting, stabbing, rape, arson, murder, etc....the bangers get tats for accomplishments like military get ribbons and medals.
When I saw the OP's picture of the guy with the face tattoos,, I knew immediately is was a bunch of prison tats,, not done by a pro.

I always say; "To each his own."

If you want a tattoo,, fine,, it's your body.

But when I'm asked if I have any tattoos,, my reply is; "Nope,, I accept my body the way God made it. I figure he's perfect & knew what he was doing. I don't need to mess with that!"
When I saw the OP's picture of the guy with the face tattoos,, I knew immediately is was a bunch of prison tats,, not done by a pro.

I always say; "To each his own."

If you want a tattoo,, fine,, it's your body.

But when I'm asked if I have any tattoos,, my reply is; "Nope,, I accept my body the way God made it. I figure he's perfect & knew what he was doing. I don't need to mess with that!"
I like your last line, "Nope,, I accept my body the way God made it. I figure he's perfect & knew what he was doing. I don't need to mess with that!"

When I was something like six years old my doctor told my mom I wasn't going to be a big guy (I'm not a midget) and they had hormone injections that would get my stature up in the World!

When my opinion was sought out I told the doc that I didn't think God's plan for me was in any way needing improvement and I did not get the shots.

Around the same time, a neighbor kid's mom was told the same thing and they decided to go for the hormone shots... not good. He wound up looking like a toad.

Anyway regarding tats, after my divorce I joined an adult dating site and I purposely avoided smokers and gals with tats. When I was politely frank about my choices in women not smoking or having tats in correspondence with them, you would NOT BELIEVE the vile effluent they typed in replies.
I am ashamed to say I have to wear a sack over my head when I workout at the gym. I'm the only guy, girl, or it in the gym without a tattoo regardless of age. However I made up for my deficiencies with my son (now 53 with various hair colorings from time to time) as his back was pictured in a national tattoo magazine. His back, chest, shoulders, upper arms are Celtic designs of high quality, but if he wears a tee shirt no tatts are visible. I guess if he goes to my gym he will either take off the tee shirt or borrow a sack from me.