Never heard the term Hard Stick, it describes me to a T. Last time I went in for colonoscopy the blood sucker had three bands on my arm down to my wrist. She is trying in my mind the last stick near my wrist bone. I'm sweating bullets by this time and damn near levitating, she inserts the needle, and it must have hit a nerve. I let her know with a few choice words she is done, and I am done, this ain't happening. As I dressed, heard one of the other nurses on the phone with my wife, he is a little upset, come get me. I walked out of clinic and met the wife at the corner. That is my last attempt at colonoscopy. Misery is optional at the point of life.
Had to have an MRI with contrast for a hernia a couple of weeks ago. I knew the stick was not good, but hey he got it with little pain the first go, so I let it ride. When they had me put my arms above my head, all heJJ broke loose. Vein blew and iodine is pumping into my arm. Felt like someone was shooting fire into my arm. A few choice words and they came out and removed the IV. My arm swelled up and burns like fire.
I ain't looking forward to the hernia surgery. I guess no one does.