It depends. For general, all-around use, on my daily exercise hike I carry a .38 Special loaded with Keith 168 grain SWCs over 4.6 grains of Unique. That load gives me 825fps average from a 4" barrel. I've never tested it from a shorter barrel.
On the other hand, for short barreled, +P rated guns and possibly serious use, I like Speer, 158 grain, soft, swagged lead SWCs over 5.9 grains of Power Pistol. Those are the loads that are in my wife's Smith snubby that she's carrying right now. They go 845fps average with a very low SD from either of our 2" barreled revolvers.
For plinking I just use Hornady 148 grain HBWCs over 3.5 grains of Bullseye. I don't know how fast they're going.