What is this California 'warning"

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I have to disagree.... why put the label on the final product if the proposition was made for the people making and packaging the product.... you put warnings on the bulitine board at the factory for this....

It is for the consumer;
I bought a pack of stainless steel bolts a few years back that had the warning on it and asked the same question. It is the lube and cooling chemicals used to make the metal product that just might still be on it. The California warning is kind of like a lot of 'improvements' we humans come up with.... on the face of it it made perfect since that if a product had the potential to do harm it should have a warning... now that practically everything has that warning it has become a joke.
I thought Prop 65 was to warn people about certain chemicals in a product that may cause cancer?

I've seen that warning on brass products because they may contain lead.
Well, besides myself, I'm gonna guess that several others here have handled un-coated LEAD bullet heads without gloves (which probably cause cancer themselves). After 60 years of doing this, I just started wearing nitrile (?) gloves when reloading. Besides, since I don't read very well, I can honestly say that I have NEVER read a warning on any product in my lifetime; in fact, up until I married my lovely wife, I never even checked an expiration date on anything.... When she moved into my house, she threw away almost all my canned goods.
So far, so good...!!!

My Craftsman 1/2" drive torque wrench has a plastic handle & lock ring. The Proto 3/8 drive appears to be all metal but has plastic plug in the end of the handle.
Apparently the 1/4" drive wrench you're looking at has the dreaded plastic in it some where. Lay it down gently & back away cautiously & don't take any wooden nickels..
My suspicions include hexavalent chromium.

In industry, we were required to be trained in its safe handling, and everything containing haxavalent chromium, including plated tools, was labeled as hazardous not just in California.
Prop 65 was a marvelous piece of legislation passed by the citizens of California. It's intent was to provide information so folks could make informed decisions.

Then the government got involved and bent to the will of various special interest groups (not just environmental groups) and lawyers. It was perverted to a point where it has no semblance of its initial purpose.
EVERYTHING can cause cancer if you get enough of it.
I thought Prop 65 was to warn people about certain chemicals in a product that may cause cancer?

That's the idea but it has been taken to the extreme. I lost the sale of an expensive grill because of the Prop 65 warning. I told the customer to call me when he found a grill that didn't have that warning, I never heard from him. Washing machines have it, tools have it, and I'm sure light bulbs have it too.

Like many well intentioned warnings, it has become a joke.

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