I was looking at Single Sixes on GunBroker.com today and came across this Item #141810478 can somebody explain this one to me is it real? thanks, Dusterman
Looks to me like a "super single-six." A 3-screw old model with adjustable sights. I believe they were made from 1964-1972. According to Ruger's website (which isn't always correct,) the prefix in the SN means the gun was made between 1970 and 72 instead of 1962-64 like the seller is saying.
Thank you I guess I need to pay more attention thats the first Super I actually took a good look at because the seller said it was a 1946 model on the title,thanks again, Dusterman
Hey Flatgate, thought of you this weekend when we picked up one of them SC-6s, and it had a number that was "familiar" ( I know, too many digits,BUT the last 3 are what counts.............)
Well I guess I really should start wearing my glasses when I,m on the internet . Like I said it was that 1946 title that through me. Also I think I,m getting hooked on 22's I really enjoy the 2 I have now and keep looking at more I guess it,s a good thing I,m broke Dusterman