What firearm have you owned the longest?

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Aug 1, 2022
Communist Paradise of NY
A Marlin Glenfield bolt action .22 from 1973 that I paid for from my farm work money. I bought an extra magazine for it and it's one of the few things that my family didn't steal from me. I think I paid around $30 for it and another $5 for the extra magazine. The only reason it didn't get ripped off is because I had it disassembled and hidden....


Jul 22, 2009
Dunlap, TN
My 1975 New Model Blackhawk 357, purchased new by me, my first revolver. Carried it everywhere except to church for years. Shows the years of wear and abuse it took in the early times. Many would say it looks much older than 50 years. I had to replace the worn grips a dozen years ago due to them falling apart, and I can't guess how many rounds of ammo have been run through it, mostly 357. Poor old thing is hardly blue any more, kind of taken on a brownish cast. Too many years of bad weather and leather holsters I suppose.
I have thought about getting it restored and reblued but it has such charactor and still shoots as good as any I have ever handled. I'm sure I'll keep it as is, and keep trying to wear it out.
Dec 1, 2007
I'd like to see pictures of some of these, but I know it would be a lot of trouble. My Buckhorn 66:
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Staff member
Mar 28, 2001
Colorado native, Vermont transplant
1968 Super Blackhawk, I bought it used in maybe 1979. Previous owner was a former Alaskan fur trapper who used it up there before moving back to CO. I got it from the local gun shop owned by the father of my girlfriend at the time. Shop guy said he told the first owner that it didn't look like he used it much. Trapper took offense to that and said he used it ALL THE TIME and must have put at least 50 rounds through it!

I had others before that either my dad or I sold/traded. Dad sold my .410 single shot Spesco shotgun after asking me whether I wanted it - I did not - when I was living in MN. And I sold or traded off a few that I bought before that first Super Blackhawk, including a S&W model 29.

Technically, I have had my dad's single shot Stevens .22 rifle that his dad bought for him for $3 during the depression for longer, except I don't recall my dad ever technically "giving" it to me. I kept it in my room and took care of it, shot it often as a kid, but I never took possession of it until my mom gave me all of dad's guns after he died. When he was a boy, he wrote his name on the stock in silver model paint and that remains on it to this day.

EDIT: My mistake, the above single shot .22 is not a Stevens... It is marked as a Springfield Arms model 53A (made by Savage if I'm not mistaken, but Savage owned Stevens as of 1920). Had I looked at the rest of the pics I have of it, I would have seen this one:
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Feb 6, 2024

Father-in-law gave this to us for home protection while we were going through a custody battle with my psycho ex 18 years ago. Found out she was trying to "hire" someone to come beat the crap out of me. Never needed it, but after passing/losing my first guns years prior, this is the one I have had the longest.

Technically, this is the oldest action/barrel I own, a 1903 from 1910. It's had some work done ;)



Apr 15, 2005
Eagle, Idaho
My oldest is also my first firearm, a Winchester Model 250 lever action .22 that I got from my Dad for Christmas in 1964. That means it's been in my continuous possession for almost 60 years. It's the first gun I ever shot, the first gun my son and daughter shot and the first gun my 2 grandsons ever shot. That beautiful Winchester is by far my most cherished possession and one that ultimately be passed down to a grandson.
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Jan 15, 2007
The Sticks---N.W. Orygun
Winchester model 67 single shot, bolt action 22.
Second hand from my dad and his brothers that bought it in the 40's. They paid it off and kept supplied with ammo by shooting pests and birds in the area orchards. I have heard stories about wheel barrows full of crows, magpies, etc. At 5 cents each I would guess they paid it off the first year they had it. Myself and 2 older brothers learned to shoot with it, then I got my son started with it. Son is pictured in my avatar---he has stepped up a bit. I have bought a slew of these over the years. Just can't seem to pass them up when I see them at a decent price. I used to sell them at bargain prices to Boy Scouts when the time was right. Still have several and always have a couple handy for pest control.
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Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
I'm not surprised most of the guns people have owned the longest are also their first firearm. And that the caliber is .22 lr.

For me that's the rule. Back in 1997, I took my wife to an indoor gun range a couple times and rented guns to see if she liked it. She did of course.

So that Christmas I bought her a Ruger Mark II Stainless Target Bull Barrel. It was her (my) only gun for about 4 years, the next was a Browning Buckmark Contour with the 7 1/4 in barrel. I still have that one also.

Both are great pistols, the Ruger had had thousands and thousands of rounds though it.


Mar 17, 2023
alpine wyoming
Jonathan Browning muzzleloader, purchased 'bout 1982.

Prior to the purchase of the Browning, I sold off a few rifles and a pistol from the 1970's as I "lost interest" in them and/or the calibres and found new homes for them.
I have had three Johnaton Browning mountain rifles
Traded two to a father &son and still have the .45 cal
Beautiful rifle

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