what do use your new vaquero for?

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Doug.38PR said:
Woods carry? Riding carry? Concealed carry? Open carry? Cowboy action shooting?

Interesting question. I've asked myself the same question many times.

Guess the simple answer is I'd use a Vaquero for anything I'd use any other Blackhawk for. To me, that includes, woods carry, (motorcycle) riding carry, and concealed carry.

Mostly, my Vaqueros have been used on the range, just long enough to discover that the biggest majority of my fixed-sight SA Rugers have sights that are so poorly regulated to me that they may as well not have sights. Then I lose interest in them.

Just bought another Sheriffs-length New Vaquero yesterday. It'll also go to the range. If the sights are regulated to me, it'll be a keeper, and could often be carried for all the above reasons. If not, I'll likely never shoot it again.

I really like the smaller frame size of the original Blackhawks, and now the New Vaqueros.

Howdy Wayno,

I've had a number of Vaqueros and other Ruger fixed-sight revolvers over the years, and some did not shoot POA equal to POI. I would just box it up and return it to Ruger with information on the load I was using and tell them to adjust it to shoot POA/POI. They always came back just fine. (Some of my pards, better skilled with files and vices than myself, took to adjusting on their own to suite the load they used, or used a local gunsmith to do so.) Seems like such a shame/waste to relegate such fine shooters to the back of the safe, unused, due to something which is fixable.
Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys! I've got eight of them that my grandkids and I shoot in SASS matches. If my teenagers can' break them it's got to be a good product.
Cherokee Slim
I have five pairs of Vaquaros that I shoot for CAS and just for fun. I carry an adjustable sighted Ruger six shooter in the field due to the need to regulate the sights to heavy "Ruger Only" loads that are used there.
The thing about cowboy shooting is that many of us point shoot. It's like my Colt New Agent with a gutter sight or a J frame, they aren't target guns.
Cherokee Slim
I bought my Birdshead 3.75" 45colt for woods carry, and it will serve well in that capacity as long as the shots would be up CLOSE. I have not really put a lot of time into trying to get it to shoot to POA...but I do plan on working on that more pretty soon as it is very difficult to hit consistently with it at 25yds. I love the way it handles, I just wish it had adjustable sights and I am not willing to invest the money required to have them fitted. If I had it to do over, I would not buy it and I won't be buying another.
Way-ulll, some folks can shoot single actions and some can't.

Of course I've been shooting thumbusters for a bit more than 60 years now so I've never felt disadvantaged with one as a completely all-purpose sidearm / tool.

SASS was the primary reason I bought Vaqueros (Bisley Vaqueros). Then they turned out to be perfect sidearms for use in the rocky and windblown high desert environment. For me, the icing on the Single Action Cake was when Bill Ruger introduced the much despised transfer bar system thus adding 20% to the traditional "safe carry" loading and eliminating the half cock.

The Single Action Ruger is IMO THE strongest, most foolproof revolver ever made and the Vaquero is the perfect hard use model.

Do I have Blackhawks. You bet I do and I use them too, but the old fixed sight sixguns do indeed have a use and I love 'em. Crappy sights? Nossiree - just sights that need regulatin' :wink:

As well there're a few cowpokes that can attest to my using a Bisley Vaquero as a gavel on occasion.
My two SS beadblasted 4&5/8 Bisley 45 Colt Vaqueros and my SS 45 Colt 3.75 Birdshead all shoot very nicely to POA and I like the sights better and shoot them better than my Bisley Flattop 44 Special, Bisley SBH 7&1/2, & Bisley 7&1/2 Blackhawk 45 Colt. I do most of my woods and outdoor packin with my Bisley 4&5/8 Vaquero 45 Colts.
Of course I've been shooting thumbusters for a bit more than 60 years now so I've never felt disadvantaged with one as a completely all-purpose sidearm / tool.
For me it is a good 25 years .... I got aways to go to catch up :) .... But with you on the 'never felt disadvantaged with one' ..... Woods carry or target shooting .... Don't CC one as I have a .44Spec Bulldog for that. BTW, I very my outdoor carry.... Could be an original Vaquero, New Vaquero, or a BH. Depends on my 'mood' at the time.
Campin', trailin', packin', plinkin', admirin'. No CAS'n. I don't hunt with a revolver, except occasional small game (fixed and adj .22s and .32s). Otherwise, at the distances/uses I tend to shoot the fixed sights are fine. I've had a passel of mixed caliber Vaqueros and NVs for 20+ years (and BHs for another 10 + before that) and over time have tended to more and more prefer the smooth, snag free "old west" lines of the Vaquero line. That said, I hope to reacquaint myself sometime soon with the adjustable sight world with a .44 Flattop to join my pair ov NV .44s, just because I think the midframe FTs are great pieces as well. To me, other than initial familiarization and occasional refresh, none of the SAs is a range gun.

To the one poster that said "door stop," I'd be happy to take that off your hands...send me yours and I'll pay shipping and send a real doorstop back! But seriously, they're all great revolvers-- fixed and adjustable.
I have two, both are .44 Specials. One has the 4 & 5/8" barrel, the other is a Sheriff's Model. Believe it or not, I usually tote 'em when I'm in, gasp, the woods and mountains.

We like to pick huckleberries and mushrooms up in the Blues. Same area is home to mountain lions, bears, elk, the occasional moose, and nowadays wolves. Carrying some sort of heavy resolver is just prudent, and the fixed sight NVs are simply slick on the draw.

Single actions are what I grew up on, and while I also own and carry bottom feeders and DA resolvers, my first choice to hand is a SA, preferably a mid-size frame.

I happen to be a member of our local SAR team and will even carry a SA when in the field on a search. Occasionally switch out for a Glock or 1911, but I'm more concerned with wild animals than wild people, so prefer my .44s with heavy loads.

Edited to add: I was really tired when I got online last night! I forgot to mention that I occasionally carry my Sheriff's Model concealed in a Ted Blocker IWB holster!
I have a 1st year production Vaquero (not the New Vaquero) that I've used to put well in excess of 5,000 rounds downrange. It's one of my favorite plinking revolvers. Just a lot of fun to shoot. 8gr Unique under 250gr lead bullet.. Oh yea....


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