What do I have here ...parts gun ? or what ?

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Aug 25, 2008
O.K. Here it is ..I just bought a Ruger 22/45 MkIII or at least thats what it says on the top end.
This pistol is steel framed and blued
no mag release button behind the trigger only the original style on the bottom of the frame.
There is no last round bolt stop.
So do you fellas think this is a parts gun ?
It does shoot very well .
No jams ..stove pipes or malfunctions yet after 50 rounds.
How do I tell what model frame I have and what are the proper type mags to buy?
and is the take down procedure the same as a standard MkII
you do not have a 22/45 lower- more than likely a mkII lower- pics would help-
i believe any of the older mags will work-but not the 22/45 mags
Compare it to the pictured models on Ruger's website. Any small parts it might lack can be purchased and replaced.
Sounds like someone made a hybrid like mine, Standard Lower and a 22/45 MK III Upper.

yessir if the hold open is not there it is NOT a Mark II lower, but a MK I...see this all the time at gun shows..parts put together ,swapped out, buy this or sell that ,put on a 'Pac Lite; and sell off the upper, and vice versa......most likely the person who had the 22/45 did NOT like the polymer bottom and got another one....and made it fit. It will work just fine if done right.....
So the gun shop I bought it at just saw a sucker walk threw the door sad thing is I did trust this guy...
He gave me a new in the pack mag with it ....he took it out of the pack and threw the pack away.
So will MkII mags work in this .....the one he gave me holds 10 rounds
I looked at the mags of a known true Mk II and they looked like the ones I have As far as I know MkI mags only hold 9
What should I do ?
Take it back and see if he fesses up or just shoot it, and see if there are no problems?
Good deals are always just out of my reach
Honest people are hard to find
If I thought I purchased a 22/45 MKIII then that's what I would want. I don't care if it shoots good or not, I'd certainly take it back but that's just me. The point isn't how well it shoots, it's "did I get what I purchased".

If you are happy with the gun I'd still go back and see what type of price reduction the dealer will give you. Does he even KNOW that it's a parts gun? I know one dealer who knows squat about guns, just sells them and that's about it.
It's the upper that makes the gun what it is. If the upper is a 22/45 it's my all legal #'s a 22/45 regardless of what the lower is. Kinda like changing the stock on a rifle, the model remains the same regardless. I'd say it would great;y depend on how the gun was promoted to you.
MKI & MKII mags will both work in that gun. And yes, it's a Standard or MKI lower grip frame.
As for what you should do,, it all depends upon what you feel about the deal. If it was described as a MKIII you have been taken advantage of. As mentioned, it's all in how it was described to you.
BlkHawk73":dqfbmeha said:
It's the upper that makes the gun what it is. If the upper is a 22/45 it's my all legal #'s a 22/45 regardless of what the lower is. Kinda like changing the stock on a rifle, the model remains the same regardless. I'd say it would great;y depend on how the gun was promoted to you.

I have to disagree..... a true 22/45 has a polymer lower with the grip set at the same angle as a 1911, and mag release and slide release in the same locations as on a 1911. This is a hybrid, someone prob'ly bought a Tac-Sol upper for their 22/45 lower and sold the original upper, which ended up on this lower....