What are the benefits of a verical foregrip on a SR 556

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Dec 9, 2008
NW Arkansas
Can someone tell me exactly what a Fusion Vertical Grip is used for on a SR 556.
I'm full of stupid questions, but I'm learning thanks to this site... :wink:
That's kinda what I thought... Appreciate the confirmation; if I ever get a SR 556 I won't be getting one of those. The rail covers are great, but I wish Ruger would make one with only a rail on top.
It's for better control (especially in full auto) of a rifle. Often light and laser pressure switches are mounted on them. I don't have one and YMMV. :mrgreen:
It's required equipment in the Mall Ninja Corps.
It's a matter of taste... some folks like them, some folks don't.

I like them on a defensive carbine, but I don't have one, or any rails either, on my long range carbine.

The two-handed vertical grips just "feel" good to me when shooting and moving. (If you get a folding grip, you can keep it out of the way when not being used.)

9x19":1ua0m2st said:
Snake45":1ua0m2st said:
It's required equipment in the Mall Ninja Corps.

Really?! What else did they make you buy when you joined up? :D
Don't have a VFG on any of my ARs, or anything else.

VFGs are great in some positions. In others, they're worse than useless, they're detrimental. None for me, thanks.
9x19":yxuflmmq said:
Snake45":yxuflmmq said:
9x19":yxuflmmq said:
Snake45":yxuflmmq said:
It's required equipment in the Mall Ninja Corps.

Really?! What else did they make you buy when you joined up? :D
Don't have a VFG on any of my ARs, or anything else...

I hope that doesn't jeopardize your membership! :D
I guess you don't understand the concept of "required for membership," do you, Skippy? :roll:
Gee, Erkel... are you telling me you wrote the requirements for your group?

Now I guess it's: Do as you say, not as you do? :D
In all seriousness, I just read the article in the October issue of the American Rifleman. The author states that "Since it (the SR-556) was a little front-heavy, I found that a foward grip like the Crimson Trace MV515 helped me support the additional weight."

Gumby":3j2wutq9 said:
The author states that "Since it (the SR-556) was a little front-heavy, I found that a foward grip like the Crimson Trace MV515 helped me support the additional weight."

Poor baby! I hope the rifle didn't give him a boo-boo or an owie! :roll:

(Gee, I wonder if Crimson Trace is an American Rifleman advertiser.)