Weaver "clamp-on" Base for New Model SBH 44 Mag?

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Nov 15, 2009
I am debating using one of the Weaver clamp on bases for mounting a 2x scope on my SBH for deer hunting. I am interested in people's opinions of them if they have used one for any significant amount of time, and how they held zero and stayed put.

I would rather not drill and tap, but I could have that done if I needed to in order to ensure rock solid reliability.

If you've used one, please tell the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Welcome to the forum.

I have used one of the mounts you mention on a Blackawk in 41 mag. I sold it to a friend that put in a SBH 44. It worked very well, and never lost zero through several seasons of use. I really had no complaints. When I took it off my gun, there was some minor marking where the mount was, but not bad. It was barely noticeable.
I've been using one on my Bisley 41 Magnum for 20 years and I've never had it shift from zero in all these years. That includes 295 Gr. SSK bullets as well as my standard 220 Gr SWC over a whole bunch of 2400.

Overall, I'd buy another one (but I'd rather have a Bisley Hunter instead) :)