Vaquero Question

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Dec 3, 2021
Wyoming, Montana
I was at a gun shop yesterday looking at a NIB Vaquero. The only way that the side gate would open was to put the hammer at half-cock. And even that was extremely difficult. The salesman told me he does it all the time on Rugers, yet mine do not work that way. Would have bought the gun otherwise.
I'm a bit perplexed. There is no such thing as "half cock" on a New Model Vaquero (it's all or nothing). And the gate should open without cocking the hammer.
Is it a NM marked Vaquero?
He states Vaquero and I wonder if one of those may be old enough and sat around long enough that oil from the factory has things sticky.
Maybe that was a modified gun. I've never owned a Vaquero, New Vaquero, or Blackhawk that has a half-cock feature. (My FA did, but not a factory stock Ruger single-action revolver.)
I was at a gun shop yesterday looking at a NIB Vaquero. The only way that the side gate would open was to put the hammer at half-cock. And even that was extremely difficult. The salesman told me he does it all the time on Rugers, yet mine do not work that way. Would have bought the gun otherwise.
"Salesman". Smh apparently another clueless person at the gun counter. Where do they find these people?
If it's Nib then something is wrong.
I'm a bit perplexed. There is no such thing as "half cock" on a New Model Vaquero (it's all or nothing). And the gate should open without cocking the hammer.
Thats what I thought. Didn't know if this is a new thing with Ruger. No wonder the salesman could not get the hammer to stay at half cock.
The new Vaquero's don't have a half cock hammer in them. You can put in an aftermarket Powers Custom half cock in it. Sometimes the loading gate springs in new guns are really rough and makes the gate hard to open. Tweaking the spring and leg against the gate a little can smooth things up.
I wouldn't give that gun another thought. Poor salesman didn't make the sale and you saved yourself a hassle.

That being said, shame on the gunshop that doesn't at least wiggle all the flippers and flappers before tucking a gun into the display case.