Unique vs 2400 in 44 Mag

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May 16, 2008
I was previously using 2400 for all my 44 magnum loads but I had one can of the "old" Unique powder as well as a bottle of the new Unique. I popped open the old stuff and loaded some with 10 grs behind a 240 SWC and some more with 11.7 Grs same bullet. I also loaded some with 2400 at 18, 19, and 20 grs and went out today to shoot some groups. I found that while the 2400 shot great in my OM Super and shot well in my 5.5" Redhawk that all the Unique loads shot better than all the 2400 loads. I didn't shoot the Blackhawk today but have shot lots of the 2400 loads out of it before. I assumed that a charge that fills the case would show better consistancy and accuracy but the Unique loads worked better.

J Miller

Sep 30, 2000
Not in IL anymore ... :)
Unique is good powder, it works very well for many different loads.

Both Unique and 2400 have sweet spots. Load them below that and they just don't work too well, load right at it and they work great.

2400 needs a good tight neck tension with a good tight crimp to burn clean. Other wise you'll get a dirty burn and less than stellar accuracy.

One of the most accurate loads I have for my .45 Colts is 18.5grs of 2400 under a 265gr Keith SWC lit by a Winchester WLP primer. Very clean, very accurate. I use a carbide sizing die with a .450" expander. Then install a roll crimp to the bottom of the crimp grove.


Rick Courtright

Mar 10, 2002
Redlands CA USA
J Miller":2dqcoy6q said:
Both Unique and 2400 have sweet spots. Load them below that and they just don't work too well, load right at it and they work great.


In my limited experience w/ the .44 Mag, Joe nailed it, especially for 2400.

I load my .44s w/ Unique for general purpose stuff, and 296 for full house stuff. A buddy only loads full house, w/ 2400. We found the window for his gun was only about a half grain "wide" w/ 2400.

The "sweet spot" hasn't been quite as hard to find w/ Unique, as it's pretty versatile. At least as long as a good snug crimp is used. (See the pix Joe and Flatgate have posted of crimps in the past. My idea of "snug" is about what Joe shows as "heavy.")

The Lee Factory Crimp Die is a valuable tool on my bench for such purposes, as it's easy to adjust "light to heavy." Weshoot2's posted in the past about his experiences testing the entire range, and his notes lead me to a conclusion there's a "sweet spot" w/ crimps as well as powder charges.

Rick C


Feb 6, 2009
I have always used 8.5 grains of Unique for a .44 special level load but using magnum cases. 10 grains of Unique is my most used load in magnum cases. It does about all that needs to be done with the .44 magnum. 20 to 21 grains of 2400 when I want top power out of the .44. I use nothing but 250 grain lead SWC either from RCBS mold or Lyman. 296/H110 worked best with jacketed bullets back when I did use JHP's.


Sep 13, 2006
North Central Florida
I know this has been beat to death already. In my nm SBH I have tried the Unique 9 to 12 in half grain increments. Accuracy was very good with all of them, but 11 grains worked the best.

I did this with 240 grain bevel based SWC from Space Coast Bullets.

The leading was so bad I don't think I will ever use Unique again. I have been reading on here about the bevel base being a problem and that Alox might help. Can't do anyting about the bevel base except change bullets and I will be buying some Alox.

Any other ideas.

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