puma guy
The bottom two are new additions to my small Ruger family. I just got the Bearcat today, so I haven't burped it yet. The Super Single Six arrived in early April. Took it up to a little shoot fest in Dallas and let my daughter shoot it. She should have been a cowgirl. The other two; Super Blackhawk and the .357 Blackhawk I bought new in the 60's. The .357 was missing in action for a while after it was stolen in 1994 during the burglary of my home. They got my original SSS as well. The .357 is a little beat up as it was dropped by the BG caught red handed while high jacking a convenience store a few months after the burglary. I got the Blackhawk back from the police after about three years. They missed the the .44 somehow. Never found the SSS though I still have the mag cylinder. The one pictured is finally replacing an old family member along with the new baby.