Transfer fees

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Being an FFL in WNC, I charge $30 which breaks down to $28.10 for my troubles and $1.90 sales tax.
Some folks think they can beat my selling price on a new gun by going online and buy the same thing and save money.
That equates to their online price, plus shipping, plus sales tax (GB collects 7%) plus my $30 transfer fee. Are they saving money? Maybe, maybe not.

The $30 is about my profit on a firearm I sell. Now since NC now collects sales tax on "labor" (the transaction) I loose $1.90 of my profit. I been charging $30 since I started the business in 2005. If I sell a firearm from my inventory, no transaction fee is charged, just my County Sales Tax rate of 6.75%.
My guy here in Illinois charges $20 for a firearm transfer. He drives 44-miles round-trip to meet me at a McDonald's one-mile from my house where we do the paperwork inside and discretely transfer the firearm in the parking lot. Not only is that great service, the bonus is I usually eat half of his French fries.
My guy here in Illinois charges $20 for a firearm transfer. He drives 44-miles round-trip to meet me at a McDonald's one-mile from my house where we do the paperwork inside and discretely transfer the firearm in the parking lot. Not only is that great service, the bonus is I usually eat half of his French fries.
Not to rock the boat, transferring a firearm is against BATF regulations outside of the business address listed on the license except in the case of a "registered" "gun show". I do transfers at Friends of NRA Banquets because they are "registered" "gun shows".
I just bought a Super Wrangler on GunBroker. I'll be looking for wooden grips for it and the Chiapet (Chiappa SAA clone mentioned earlier) may be looking for a new home. However, that's not the subject here.

The guy I use only charges $25 for a transfer and that includes the PICS (Pa. Instant Check System) check, the state charges $2 for a check. I view that as very reasonable. Thirty years ago, I charged $20 and no one complained.
I am a member at a range. They charge $75 to receive a firearm because they don't want that business. People still pay for it. The also charge $75 to clean a handgun. They don't do outgoing firearm transfers. (Members do get 1 free, incoming transfer a month, though.)
Some places don't care the extra hassle of transfers.

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