Thinking of a PC Carbine

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I own, and have owned, the current PC models and the previous models of the 2006 era.

They have all been perfect in operation, very accurate, and a pleasure to shoot. Chambered in pistol cartridges, they are also cheap to shoot.

Comparing these to a pistol in the same chambering, they are not comparable, for obvious reasons. Obviously the PCC is not concealable, but it performs far better than any pistol.

I recommend no attachments unless required by the mall ninja association, other than optics if so desired.
I added the CMMG ZEROED Linear Compensator, Primary Arms SLx 5X Illuminated ACSS Aurora MIL Reticle scope, and a Volquartsen TG9 Trigger Group (volquartsen might not make this anymore). Shoots great and I think it looks great as well.

Added a little eye candy


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...What attachments are recommended? I live in a socialist state so am limited as to what I can purchase.

I think they generally come with a Ruger SR9 mag, and the Ruger SR/Security magwell plus a Glock magwell, with a Ruger American magwell available at extra cost. For socialist states, the mag is probably 10-rd (and the muzzle likely has no threads, which doesn't seem like a big loss unless you own a gun muffler). The big choice for me was which type of mag to use; I went with Glock because (at the time) they were easier to find where I lived. But I now own a Ruger Security pistol, and have bought a bunch of used factory 9mm mags for it at reasonable prices, so I maybe should have skipped the Glock mags and just bought Security-9 mags. FWIW (in case you already own a 9mm handgun, &/or need access to pre-ban mags), IWI Masada mags also fit the SR/Security magwell, and it looks to me like Springfield XD-9 and Taurus PT809/TH9 mags could be easily modified to fit.

I like mine a lot! As always IMHO, YMMV, FWIW, etc., etc.
I have some pre-ban Glock mags and a 50 rnd mag for my wife's PC9. (We have several Glocks in the house). Give better accuracy and more range than a semi-auto pistol. We have pistols for HD but the carbine is loaded in a closet. Apples vs oranges!
I love my Ruger PCC Carbine in 9mm. I switched out the mag well to Glock. I find the mags everywhere for not much money. Even tried a couple of the lesser known brands and zero problems.

I use my PCC for steel plate challenge at my range. A bit heavier than some others that guys at my range use. It functions flawlessly. I primarily shoot a 125 grain bullet I cast and powder coat. I had a bunch of 147 plated and they shot lights out as well.

I have a Romeo 5 on top set high to co-witness and it works well. I did put a flashlight/strobe up front with a green laser. For a home defense set up, for ME, this works well. I know in a home invasion scenario, I likely won't be looking through my red dot. I will have my eyes open looking for intruders and putting the laser in them from any position is key for me and my bride.

I will warn you, they are very addictive and you can go through a bunch of ammo in a short time!
I like the concept. If it took 1911 mags, I would have already bought one....Add-on's ?....No, not really. The less clutter, bulk, and weight hanging off of a HD gun the better. It's perfectly serviceable as-is.

" Does it offer any advantage of a semi-auto in the same caliber?"
Are you asking if a 'carbine' offers any advantage over a handgun? The ONLY reason for carrying a handgun is cause I can't walk with a rifle in a holster. :unsure:
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. IMHO, a PCC offers a list of advantages for many users. Better accuracy and higher velocity are the major perks.
Even better is a handgun/carbine combo that shares magazines.
Love mine. I kept the Ruger mag well in it because I have a Security 9 also. Have a dozen mags between them. I put a cheap laser/light combo on mine and it is very accurate, especially with 47 grain ammo. Like has been said, next to no recoil and has been 100% dependable.
I added the CMMG ZEROED Linear Compensator, Primary Arms SLx 5X Illuminated ACSS Aurora MIL Reticle scope, and a Volquartsen TG9 Trigger Group (volquartsen might not make this anymore). Shoots great and I think it looks great as well.
Linear Compensator is perfect. Almost hearing safe behind the gun.
" Does it offer any advantage of a semi-auto in the same caliber?"
Are you asking if a 'carbine' offers any advantage over a handgun? The ONLY reason for carrying a handgun is cause I can't walk with a rifle in a holster. :unsure:
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. IMHO, a PCC offers a list of advantages for many users. Better accuracy and higher velocity are the major perks.
Even better is a handgun/carbine combo that shares magazines.
100yard group with my Precision Takedown Mac11 after I sleeved and tensioned the barrel.


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Sub 2k is the perfect backpack gun. Fits in an 18"x10" pack. Velocity hurling Lehigh XP's.


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I enjoy PCCs and with the right ammo they can be pretty fearsome however a real rifle caliber is always a better choice. An AR pistol chambered in 300blk with subsonic ammo is quiet and danged effective. My wife keeps a Henry in 357 mag in a locking rack beside the bed. It has a light and red dot and with 38 +p ammo has almost no recoil. She can empty all 10 rounds in the A-Zone at 25 yards in about 4 seconds. She be FAST!
Out of that barrel length the 38s bump up to 357 mag velocities.
I tested some of the Underwood 124 +p ammo from my buddies CZ Scorpion Carbine. At 75 yards it would shoot 1 to 1.5" groups with a red dot. The performance of the nosler projectiles was excellent, expanding to .75" and penetrating about 26"
" An AR pistol chambered in 300blk with subsonic ammo is quiet and danged effective."
We've harvested several deer with this combination. Good ammo is a plus. Good results with GORILLA sub-sonic and keep range under 100-120 yards.
Mine is a blast to shoot. It has a bad tendency to work the forearm and charger handle screws loose. I used some Locktite Blue 242 on those screws and seems to have helped. A little leery of removing them next cleaning. We'll see.

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