His name is Beau...but he's known throughout the West as Big Dawg. Outlaws from the Pecos to Montana feared his steely-eyed gaze. None of 'em could look him the eye for very long. They knew that once he picked up their trail, their days were numbered. He was more relentless than Tom Horn. His relaxed demeanor put people in mind of legendary lawmen such as Wyatt Earp, Tom Threepersons and Bill Tilghman. He fooled a lot of bad guys with his easy going manner, but he could pull that .44 faster than you can say "sixgun". Some so-called "gunfighters" were known to just give up without even drawing their guns, once they saw him grin at them. Rumor has it in his later years, he advised Texas Ranger Frank Hamer on how to track Bonnie and Clyde, and taught Melvin Purvis how to shoot.