The versatile Family of 32's

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Bad Barlow

Apr 3, 2022
It's often mentioned that a number of different cartridges will chamber in a 32H&R or 327Federal magnum handgun. I was curious about a comparison of the members of the family,namely 32 S&W,32S&W long,32H&R,327Mag.,and the (semi-rimmed)32ACP. I included a handload of mine. All other ammo was factory, 5 shot groups.
At 10 yards ,over a rest,POA was the same for all groups,and as expected, POI shifted lower with increases in "power".
Draw your own conclusions, but take into account ,ammo of each group was a single type, which may, or may not be ideal for the test gun,a Ruger Single Seven in .327 Mag.
The 327 Fed Mag was by far the most unpleasantly powerful round.
Feel free to pose any questions I have not addressed.
I disagree about missing something if you don't try a .327 Mag. Just ask those ground squirrels I shot several years ago in Idaho about the smile on my face everytime I'd shoot one. The .327 doesn't have any REAL recoil either. It's just a little bit more than the .32 H&R Mag. But MUCH less than a good .45 Colt.
I've actually been a little curious about the 327. I've got several pistols chambered in 32 mag & I do have a OM 30 Carbine Blackhawk that 32 mag will fit in & apparently function. Looking at the respective case lengths it appears that 327 will fit in there as well.

If so, I should be able to take 327's, fire form them & then use 30 Carbine dies for reloading. That would give me a full rim 30 carbine equivalent, more or less.
Blackhawks are always nice, but in my own opinion, the "32 cartridge" and the Single Six frame was a match made in heaven. One of my all time personal favorite guns, was the "SSM" made in the mid eighties. A terrific gun.
Blackhawks are always nice, but in my own opinion, the "32 cartridge" and the Single Six frame was a match made in heaven. One of my all time personal favorite guns, was the "SSM" made in the mid eighties. A terrific gun.

100% agree, when I picked up my 9 1/2" SS in 32 mag the 22 SS convertible went to live with a good friend of mine. It also made me kinda regret getting the Buckeye 32.