Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there was a gaggle of men that went on an adventure together. They came from all over the galaxy to one special spot here on our Earth. It was mostly pristine mountains, so they became mountain men. Thus began the 1st. mountain man rendezvous. They dressed like most mountain men with some camo added. They spent a long while trying to decide who was to be their leader. There was a cement mixer, a garbage man, Robo-cop, a pest exterminator, a jack in the box of all trades, a dirt burner, and a mud specialist. They wandered around playing like Lewis & Clark looking for Sacagawea. They used all their skills to down some old, sick, lost animals and take them home to their cave. Once back at the cave, the dirt burner and mud specialist joined them to try and improve the quality of looks and conversation around the fire. One by one they would drift away and try to recall their homes and ladies back in their corners of the galaxy. They sampled the local berries and other edible things like tree bark, swamp water mixed with lemons, and an occasional dose of something imported from Mexico. One was a lot smarter than the others and only had a drink of water while the others gorged themselves on what ever they could get their hands on. One evening they caught a hold of an old, sick, skinny swine. Since they all had taken their H1N1 vaccinations they all ate some ribs and pulled and ate the rest of it. Sacagawea had found some carrots, imported from Utah and baked them into a bread like substance. They put some cold, frozen, clabbered cream on the carrot bread and cleaned it all up. They all went down to the crick to wash up their bowls and ended up in a water fight so they all got themselves clean. They said "That was so easy any cave man could have done it." They visited a local cave man that makes prehistoric weapons and were amazed at the quality of his wares. Some had to leave to go back to their ladies as there was a large weed pulling festival in one part of the universe, and the galaxy had been out of balance since one had wandered off without his medications. A couple of them wandered around and found a mountain with three tops. They wanted to take it home with them, but couldn't because it wouldn't fit in their shirt pocket. When they parted they promised to keep an eye out for smoke signals and the pony express. They parted ways, vowing to meet again when cell phones, computers, hand guns, T-shirts, Dutch ovens, milk shakes and larger animals were invented or evolved. Now they all sit at the door way of their caves, all facing West, and just dream about their marvelous adventure. Their ladies cant' get them them to do anything. They don't even feel like eating the animals that they took home foe souvenirs. One thought that he had seen a smoke signal, but it was only an old Harley with a blown head gasket. One is back to chasing alligators around the neighbors pond. One is looking for a better renewable source of garbage. One hasn't been heard of since leaving. The other three still live in adjoining caves and occasionally talk to Sacagawea. There can be no pictures of this adventure because cameras haven't been invented in China yet. This record had been cleared through Congress and is only 4 goat skin rolls long. They will all swear that it is 100% true, but you would have to have been there to believe it. They are all heroes in their villages except one. He has been elevated to the status of an ancient Greek God. This is all true and can be added to the Bibles of all who read it. It happened to:
Sixshot....................The cement mixer
Contender................The pest exterminator
Sam........................The jack in the box of all trades
Zeus........................The garbage man
Jeff Hoover...............Robo-cop
Callshot....................The dirt burner
Middleshot.................The mud specialist
Sacaggawea..............The cement mixers wife.
Who is the most important person on this
Sixshot....................The cement mixer
Contender................The pest exterminator
Sam........................The jack in the box of all trades
Zeus........................The garbage man
Jeff Hoover...............Robo-cop
Callshot....................The dirt burner
Middleshot.................The mud specialist
Sacaggawea..............The cement mixers wife.
Who is the most important person on this