The clear 10/22 mags...

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Nov 5, 2008
Central New York
I just realized that I could use some more 10/22 factory 10-round mags. I like the clear ones. Where's a good place to get them? None of my local dealers seem to stock them.
G-Mak":wejywjts said:
I just realized that I could use some more 10/22 factory 10-round mags. I like the clear ones. Where's a good place to get them? None of my local dealers seem to stock them.

They were originally marketed for their 40th year anniversary 10/22, and are no longer made, but they are still shown in the Ruger on-line catalogue. Some distributors were closing them out, and they are still seen, occasionally, on dealer shelves. They are also available, on-line, thru many on-line sellers.

So, when ya see them, ya gotta buy em.

Anybody know if Ruger made the clear magazines in their 5-shot version for those three communist states? Or maybe Ruger didn't ship any 40th Anniversary 10/22's to distributors in those states?
I last got mine from Clips N Stuff they are online good efficent service.
I also aquired a clear 10/22 magazine from Bass Pro Shop in Clarksville Indiana just across the river from Louisville Kentucky..
This was about 6 months ago, At that time they had plenty..
Good Luck!!
One thing about them, they get dirty quick and when cleaned aren't as clear as they once were.

This with less than 200 rounds through mine.
I bought half a dozen or so a year or more ago and I wish I had bought twice that number as it is so nice being able to see how much ammo is in there still. I have not seen them locally in quite a while butr right now I don't have money to spens so just as well I guess :oops:
CDNN Sports has them in their print catalog, but they haven't been listed on the website the last couple of time I looked. I just got their latest catalog, so you could call to order, or send a mail order. Think they were $15.99 ea.
You can download the complete catalog as a .pdf file - about 23 mb worth of download space.

Midway showed some in stock earlier this week when I ordered a couple of black ones. The Bass Pro in Clarksville, IN had some last Sunday also, for $23 or $24 each.
Clear orange 30 rd mags are made by Eagle and are not that reliable. I saw another brand at Academy that held 20, was transparent grey, and had the steel lipped feeder. It cost about 20 bucks, about double of my clear Eagle. <><

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