the answer to an old question

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Mar 27, 2010
Oregon.. Willamette Valley region
A year ago or maybe more (memory is lagging) there was a post about a certain dictator and a rifle he was firing off infront of a crowd...

Well, here's the answer.....
hmmm, shouldn't the document be a bit more convincing and well, shouldn't it have Hussein's name spelled correctly? :roll: :lol:
I noticed quite a few words spelled incorrectly. For instance, Im sure the CIA can spell "materials"
Im also unsure how they could misspell Hussein. Afterall, they were looking for him since around the early 80's or so.
that being said. Beautiful rifle. Not sure I believe it was Husseins Rifle, but who am I to judge.
I dont think its going to hit the 5- digit mark.... but, theres a sucker born every minute
Yes, to pay that kind of scratch for it, I would have to have some very convincing evidence ( more so than the auction explanation) that it was Sadams rifle.
Agree, he would have to have a photo of Hussein holding the rifle with legible sn with original box and recipt. Then Id bite
This stinks on substance, the spelling just adds to the smell. The story just does not sound right. The seller has been watching too many CIA movies and TV shows. I would not think they would so carelessly pass out war trophies.

IIRC, didn't the Browning end up on Bush 43's desk. I suspect it is either still in government custody or in his presedential library.
I can only assume, but I figure the real Hussein rifle is probably in the basement of the Smithsonian, or in the Presidential archives. I dont see the CIA giving it to some hack to
peddle on the internet
It is being sold by Rock Island Auction Co. They are very well known and prestigious..... I doubt they'd risk their reputation selling a fake.
Arab names have as many spellings as you can imagine. Efforts at standardization in the West have huge holes. Plus many Arabs use several names. This is a huge headache for those charged with finding bad actors.

I agree with rich, RIA is not going to take any chances on any "fake", and even they cannot get the factory to "verify", gee wonder if they tried for the $10 letter ( ha ha..............) :roll:
RIA comes up with lots of this kinda of "stuff", they do a nice job and will get top dollar........ :wink:
quite a while back JC Devine auctions had one of Saddam's hats for auction. Never made it as the US govt said it belonged to the citizens of iraq not the soldier who liberated it so it was confiscated .