watch more than just the first part LOL
Why does that matter? I know many people of various ages that will never buy a EV......from just getting a DL, to middle aged, to "Boomer", to damn near needing hospice.....the few I know who purchased a hybrid and the even fewer I know that bought an total EV are not even close to being like minded of myself or the type I care to be around. They are a sorted lot to be sure......a lot like chicken little worried about the environment.....and some of them smoke cigarettes and dope.....hmmmmmmmm^^^How old ARE you?
Terry G, you are speaking heresy here.... you are going to have to pry some of these guys internal combustion cars out of their cold dead hands... but one way to look at it is for some of us that is not that far away...Electric vehicles are relatively new. I remember my Great Grandfather talking about how Farmers wouldn't buy gasoline tractors because they "Would blow up when they got hot and burn the barn down." Same thing with the first automobiles. I think the EV's will get practical and economical someday they just aren't there yet.