Minimum wage jobs are just that,, a minimum to get a person STARTED in the work force. Places like McDonalds USED to be considered an entry level job for mostly teenagers & others to learn about working, and were generally part time.
But ANY job,, if you do not have any skills,, you have to learn HOW to work for someone else, WHAT the job is,, and ADJUST to the different life.
After hiring,, IF a person WORKED hard,, APPLIED themselves,, learned whatever the trade was,, didn't lay out or were late etc,, they would get rewarded with a pay raise.
The key here is if you want more money, WORK for it, and show the company or whomever you are WORTH more money.
In 1982, I was struggling to raise a family, and was GLAD to get a job making $3.50 an hour. It was working in a plant, in a section known as the "grease pit" lapping ceramic parts. I was hired as a "temporary" employee,, as that is how this company hired everybody. They required us to work 12 hour shifts for 5 days a week, and 7 hrs on Saturday. I was told that if I was a "good" employee,, that after 3 months, at my review,, it was possible that I'd be hired as a full time employee, with insurance & benefits, and a potential raise of .50 cents an hour. After 3 months,, that's exactly what happened.
BUT,,,,,, I was also told in my review,, that I was NOT allowed to discuss all this with other employees. Why? Because many employees who were there were still "temporary" even though they had been there well over 1-2 years. I was also given a job movement into a better position.
At my next 3 month review,, I was given another raise. And another raise at my one year mark.
Because I worked hard, & EARNED it.
My wife worked,, and I worked.
She was making similar money, but I don't recall how much.
We managed to not only make a living, but we were also able to put aside money towards getting a better place to live.
Now,, my (then) wife & I didn't last as a couple. But now,, due to hard work, and sacrifices,, I now have my own home, and other things. Now,, Miss Penny & I both enjoy our lives because we WORKED for it.
Entry level jobs are just that, a way to learn & earn if you are willing. Minimum wage is for that purpose. It's NOT designed to be a complete living wage for someone. It's a base to start & a way to EARN more money.
I FULLY agree that when unions were first created,, they had a good purpose, and did a LOT of good in making the workplace better for everyone.
As a result of many of the union demands,, we have labor laws to protect children, minimum wages, better work environments, etc.
But the difference in the early years of unions & now,, ARE these laws.
Sadly,, now,, unions are more "political" and have grown so large that they have influence upon politicians due to lobbying. That was my point in my earlier post. You pay union dues to get them to force companies to pay more money for whatever jobs they have, and the companies have to follow the union rules or not have employees. And the companies just raise the prices upon their products to pay these expenses. But everybody has to pay this inflated amount for goods. These expenses are felt the hardest upon the LOWER INCOME people. From minimum wage earners to others who may lack the education or skills to do much better.
A good example is the cost of a new vehicle. And unless I'm mistaken the UAW union is the largest union in the country. And to see a new truck selling for over $75,000.00 is obscene. My first home didn't cost anywhere near that. Heck,, in 2021 I bought a new truck, and it's not a fancy one,, and it was $40,000.00. My first home didn't cost me that much.
Unions used to be a good thing & quite necessary. But in my PERSONAL opinion, (and I know many of the fine members here are union or former union, as well as good friends of mine around here,) aren't necessary anymore. There are laws to protect workers. And if a person wants better wages & benefits,, then it's simple,, (at least to me,) Work hard & earn it.
We good folks here are gun owners. And the politicians look at our biggest lobbying group & biggest fighter for freedom, the NRA as a big gorilla in the room when it comes to laws about guns. And now,, we have unions who are also a big gorilla in the room as lobbyists for whatever they desire.
But the big difference in the NRA & unions,, is the NRA fights for the Constitutional right,, the 2nd Amendment, which affects our freedom, while a union such as the UAW,, fights for a specific group, all while knowing all of us pay for their demands.
Forcing their will upon all.
Sound familiar?