Temporary loss of sanity...again!

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Mar 2, 2008
Hey, I've just ordered a new Redhawk 45!

Now all I have to do is wait for about 2-3 months or so...

Hi again, Ruger friends!

So, it has finally arrived, after what seemed so be an endless wait. Going from hope to misery, and back again not knowing if I would ever recieve the long awaited call from my dealer.

So i drove 125miles after work this friday and then back home again, with my new companion in the large grey plastic box in the luggage compartment.

So today I've loaded a box, 50 or so rounds with copperplated bullets, 230gr with 8,8gr of Vihtavuori N320 behind them and went to the range.

I usually shoot one-handed, single-action at about 26yards, so the first 6 rounds hit 12 o clock, about 6inches high, so i dialed it down a bit. The next was close to bullseye so one more notch on the sights. The next 6 hit dead-center, just under 3 inches apart, center to center.

Then there was nothing but pure happiness.

I shot the remainig ammo I had brought and then a few clips with my Colt Gold Cup too, I was having kind of a good day so it worked out really nice.

Now I'm just enjoying a beer in front of the computer, reading about the things I love and contemplating todays experiences and the journey that lies behind.

Just thouht I'd share it with you fellow Ruger fans, I think you all can relate to the feelings I describe.

Maybe I'll link to some pictures later.

Happy Ruger-greetings from across the pond!
P-O from Sweden
We call it "Rugeritis" and we don't bother looking for a cure & bury the bodies of the guys who try! :D
Sounds like you got a good one!
HKS 25 is for a 45 Colt caliber Smith & Wesson (the S&W Model 25) and would be the appropriate choice for your 45 Colt Redhawk.

I am so glad you shared getting your new 45 with us. Getting a new gun and and the joy of shooting it is enhanced by being able to share that experience with other shooters.

I just wish I could be there with you, or you here with us , that would make it complete.
My Ruger Redhawk 4" 44 mag has the best trigger on any revolver I have ever shot, including S&W's, by far!!!!
SEVEN months?!?! That's quite a wait. I guess there are guys over here that wait longer than that in certain situations. Anyhow, congratulations! I'm sure the wait made the new arrival seem all the sweeter.
And how sweet it was...
Makes me start thinking what to order next, that I could possibly desire in a year or so. I currently own one stainless single six, one Colt Gold Cup 45auto(what else...), one NM Blackhawk, blue 45Colt, and the new Redhawk.

I have nothing in between, so I've started thinking about a 3" GP100, just for fun. Any of you guys own one of those? What about the fixed sights, do they work?

Oh by the way, I really like the trigger too.


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