Talk me into a EC9S

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Jan 21, 2008
I have saved a little money and want another 9mm, the only one's in my price range at my local shop is teh EC9S at $230, Taurus G3c at $210, GX4 at $240 and SCCY at $220. I can't save more because next month I start saving for thing to redo the house like paint, ect. I have to budget anymore and a lot tighter than it used to be. So of those waht would you do? I have $250 to spend. I already have a stainless G3c and it has been flawless but have always liked Ruger and like the smallness of the EC9S. I just wonder about the finish and rust issues that I have heard about but I do keep my guns clean and wiped down. Thanks for any help.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2008
If you already have a G3s that works for you, I'd apply what you've saved to ammo.
No, I'm not a EC or LC fan just for full disclosure.
Otherwise I'd save up for something on the line of Sig P365 or G43.


Mar 24, 2015
I was going to say G3c, but you already have one. If you have to have another 9mm, get any except for the SCCY. I don't have experience with them, but from reviews online, they are a hit or miss. Any of the other options are more likely to be problems free. I have one old LC9 since 2010 ish, and I have not had any rust problem, but those had a different finish than the current EC9s. If it is like the LCPMax or Ruger Max9, then you will get rust depending of the maintenance/care you give your guns. No reliability issues on those guns though.
May 29, 2011
I had one for years and loved it. Nice slim build, always reliable. Put a lot of rounds down range. The only thing I did not like was the fact that the trigger became too light for my liking. As Hickok said when shooting the gun. Man some of these have become like target guns. I got rid of the gun and traded it for a Kahr CM 9 which I love to this day. I did notice that the NEW EC9 has a different trigger, not as light. Also the gun only ships with one magazine. Dang, when I traded in mine I also traded in about 7 or 7 magazines.
There are many nice budget guns available in today's world. You have a lot of choices.

The Preacher

Mar 24, 2002
South-Central PA
Not an EC9S but I bought my son an EC9 and he loves it. Don't know what else to say other than I doubt you could go wrong for the money.


May 2, 2023
NE Ohio
I'm going to be honest with you, I'd keep saving and get a Glock 43/43x or a S&W Shield. I have the EC9s, it was extremely reliable for 3 years until one day it wasn't. It's now on its second trip to the factory for repair. I only had about 1000 rounds through it, one day the slide started locking back mid magazine. This was my EDC too so definitely not something you want to happen if your life depends on it.
I absolutely love Ruger, they have the best CS in the business and if you were looking at a revolver I would tell you to jump on it. I just don't think the EC9s was built to last. My experience shook my faith in my LCP also but as long as it's reliable it will always have a job with me. The EC9s is gone as soon as it's working again.
I've had too many problems with cheap guns, this isn't one of Rugers top teir guns. You're better off saving up and getting something you know you can rely on. On the other hand their are people who have had LC/EC9s for years and had no issues. What happened to mine is a mystery but honestly I wish I had kept my Glock 42 instead even though it was a 380 and not 9mm.
May 29, 2011
Never owned a Taurus in my life. Long time, heavy shooting enthusiast. Was introduced by a friend of mine to just handle the Taurus GX4, Feel in love with it. I did a thousand round review on the gun not long after it came out And now still trucking and totally reliable Excellent shooter and fit my hand very well. If the G2 or G2C is as good as the GX4 then they are indeed good buys.


May 2, 2023
NE Ohio
Inexpensive is not necessarily the same as cheap.
My G3c has been very reliable.
Mobuck carries a G2c.
I can't say you're wrong, I have a G3C also and I do carry it on occasion. My G3C has been very reliable, I also had an EAA Windicator that was very good.

On the other hand I had a DB380 that was replaced after 2 trips to the factory, the replacement was the new Gen 4 that was supposed to be more reliable. The new one was worse than the original! After 2 more trips to the factory they gave me a refund. My EC9s is now on trip #2 to the factory but I have a lot more faith in Ruger than I do Diamondback. I'm even considering giving the EC9s another chance if it proves reliable again.

Every company has the occasional lemon, but I think the chances are much higher with budget guns. I used to pride myself on not being a gun snob but after having too many issues with budget guns I just feel it's better to save up and get something of better quality that's known to be reliable. Even if I have to buy it used. I can get a used Glock 43 for about $70 more than a new EC9s right now, and a Glock 26 for about $100 more. I just got a used S&W 642 for about the price of a new Taurus revolver. I never thought I'd be in the buy used camp but there are deals to be had.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Magnum0710 wrote: " I think the chances are much higher with budget guns."

That is why after years of going through various 'everyday carry guns' I evolved to carrying a Sig P239 and when I don't carry it I carry a Sig P239 and my back up for these two is a .... Sig P239...

sorry guys, I'm just in one of those moods....

Oh, my dry practice gun that sits on my desk in my office with a laser cartridge in it is.... a Sig P239.

Anybody want to guess what my bedside gun is or the one by the front door?
May 29, 2011
Never owned a Taurus in my life. Long time, heavy shooting enthusiast. Was introduced by a friend of mine to just handle the Taurus GX4, Feel in love with it. I did a thousand round review on the gun not long after it came out And now still trucking and totally reliable Excellent shooter and fit my hand very well. If the G2 or G2C is as good as the GX4 then they are indeed good buys.

The thing about the GX4 is the fact that I would have paid much more for the gun, I like it that much. I did not buy it for the low price. In fact, I ended up buying a second one. Both run great. I have Sigs as well. That said, my favorite gun of all time, is the Beretta APX A1 Carry. That is a gun I would have paid three times as much. And one of the best buy's IMO on the market. And the a very serious tough build quality. And you can get one on sale now for under $300.00. Insane deal.
Here is a great deal. Kahr is moving out all there excess inventory getting ready for the X9 and you can get a P9 which is their premium series for about half off. $317.00. If I already did not own a few I would jump on it. *comes with night Sites.

Last edited:


May 2, 2023
NE Ohio
Magnum0710 wrote: " I think the chances are much higher with budget guns."

That is why after years of going through various 'everyday carry guns' I evolved to carrying a Sig P239 and when I don't carry it I carry a Sig P239 and my back up for these two is a .... Sig P239...

sorry guys, I'm just in one of those moods....

Oh, my dry practice gun that sits on my desk in my office with a laser cartridge in it is.... a Sig P239.

Anybody want to guess what my bedside gun is or the one by the front door?
Agreed! That's actually not a bad way to go, having multiples of the same gun in the event something were to go wrong with the main one.
I went a little different route myself, I've got to where I have a revolver equivalent of my semi auto carry guns, if one of the semis go down (or just for kicks) I can switch over to a similar size revolver.
My 642 was intended to be the revolver counterpart to my EC9s but now I look at as a go between for the EC9s and LCP. I can pocket carry it and it works great in light clothing. My Speed Six being a match to my bigger pieces.
I'm really considering giving my EC9s another chance, after doing some research I found a few others who had the same issue I've been having. I'm guessing its manufacturing tolerances but sometimes there's a little too much material on the inside tab of the slide lock, filing a couple thousandths off usually fixes it and it will still function as intended. The only thing that doesn't make sense is that it never did it before. I'm going to give it a chance but if I still don't trust it I'll be selling it once it's working.
Mar 24, 2002
Oregon City, Oregon
I can't talk anybody into anything...

I have some experience with multiple EC9/S pistols, and they have proven very satisfactory to me. They are quite easy to carry, and mine have functioned perfectly.

I gave one to my boy a while back to give him a smaller option for summer carry. He just plain didn't like it, and gave it back to me. Proof I can't talk anybody into anything. You've got to convince yourself of your choices.:unsure:



Aug 22, 2009
The G3C you own pretty much covers the others

But KYGUNCO had the CZ P-10 S at $328 shipped.. with a 90 day layaway
Thats a high quality firearm


May 2, 2023
NE Ohio
I can't talk anybody into anything...

I have some experience with multiple EC9/S pistols, and they have proven very satisfactory to me. They are quite easy to carry, and mine have functioned perfectly.

I gave one to my boy a while back to give him a smaller option for summer carry. He just plain didn't like it, and gave it back to me. Proof I can't talk anybody into anything. You've got to convince yourself of your choices.:unsure:

If you don't mind me asking, out of all of the ones you've had what is your highest round count on just one EC9s?
Mar 24, 2002
Oregon City, Oregon
If you don't mind me asking, out of all of the ones you've had what is your highest round count on just one EC9s?
Well, I've shot EC9's and LC9's often, but I don't shoot huge strings with them.

When they were new, I shot them quite a bit, just to get them all tested out, maybe a hundred rounds per trip. Then as time marches on, I shoot them for function and familiarity, but then maybe only a couple mags each trip. So I'm gonna guess, none of them over a thousand rounds.


May 2, 2023
NE Ohio
That's basically what I did with mine, broke it in and after that it was mostly making sure it worked. One trip it worked great and the next it didn't, ever since then I haven't been able to get through a full mag.
Hopefully it'll work this time around. I was supposed to have it back on Friday but FedEx acts like they're the only people who work during the day.