I am hearing that SW and in particular the Ultimate J Frame is having some QC issues. Since my wife is considering buying one for SD, I have some concerns. Anyone else here the same or is this internet BS.
If you like your K6S you need to try the K6XS. For carry it is wonderful.The Kimber is pretty much flawless but not quite in the same class because of the weight.View attachment 42559
That is a nice Chris Reeves folder to go with your Kimber!The Kimber is pretty much flawless but not quite in the same class because of the weight.View attachment 42559
As an instructor for many ladies only handgun clinics,, we always preach; "Don't let anyone else pick out a gun for you. YOU find the one that YOU like, and the one YOU will carry, and the one that fits YOU & YOUR hands. Just make sure it's a quality firearm you can bet your life on!"