Super SixValue Question

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Dec 20, 2002
Minnetonka MN
I just picked up a Ruger Super Six 22 with a 5 1/2 barrel. It is in almost perfect condition and I checked the serial number at the site and it looks like a 1959 model. It has been in this guys closet for many years collecting dust, so I'm sure it was never upgraded. Any idea how much something like this would be worth, or how I can find out the value?

Thanks - Rob
For 1959, your gun should have fixed sights, which would make it the normal "Single-Six" model. The Super Single Six models SC5 and SC6 came out in late 1964 and have an adjustable rear sight.

After this, the only thing we can ask is if the original box and papers are with it? If it is boxed, what does the box say on the end (a difference of about a Ben Franklin if it has a box without catalog numbers on the end or if it is the more common type with RSS5 on the end)
What kind of grips are on it?
All factors which will help to determine a price
And...if the serial number has a "D" prefix (meaning a "duplicate" serial number), then that will also add a premium.

So, could be worth anywhere from $275 to $550...more if there's stag or ivory panels on it.
Chet15 - thanks for the reply. That does clear up most of the questions. The gun didn't come with any box our papers and it has black grips. It sounds like a pretty basic revolver with not a lot of extra value, but it is a nice, clean plinker. And, you can't beat the price - it belonged to a friend of mine who bought it while he was in the service for practice and he just wanted to get rid of it, so he gave it to me.

One other question - did all of these come with both cylinders - 22 and 22 mag or just some models? If I can find another cylinder for the magnums, would it work with this particular gun?

Thanks again.
Chester,,, those OM Single Sixes are desirable to a lot of folks if they are in excellent shape etc. Some "extra" value can be placed it that gun has anything out of the ordinary such as a D or an S in the serial number or marked on the frame.
You asked about the 22 mag cylinder. If the serial number is below 150,000 it did not get a mag cylinder as an option. In fact,, when the mag cylinders were added,,, the bore diameter was opened a little to accomidate the magnum. Since you mentioned your gun was made in 1959,, it's POSSIBLE to have been either type as the serial number of 150,000 was passed in 1959. Check the number,,, and if it's below that,, no mag. If after that it could have one,,, but,,, a call to the Ruger factory,,, asking for "Records" dept,, can get you a month & year of shipping along with a correct model info to let you know if it did have a 22 mag cylinder.
It's all in the details,,,,,,!
Thanks contender. The serial number is in the 147xxx range so it must not have the magnum optional. I'm glad that I came back to this forum to get the real scoop. I have three other Rugers - GP100, SP101, and a P89 and you guys really know your stuff.

Thanks to all for the info.
contender":3gm6am7k said:
Chester,,, those OM Single Sixes are desirable to a lot of folks if they are in excellent shape etc. Some "extra" value can be placed it that gun has anything out of the ordinary such as a D or an S in the serial number or marked on the frame.
You asked about the 22 mag cylinder. If the serial number is below 150,000 it did not get a mag cylinder as an option. In fact,, when the mag cylinders were added,,, the bore diameter was opened a little to accomodate the magnum. Since you mentioned your gun was made in 1959,, it's POSSIBLE to have been either type as the serial number of 150,000 was passed in 1959. Check the number,,, and if it's below that,, no mag. If after that it could have one,,, but,,, a call to the Ruger factory,,, asking for "Records" dept,, can get you a month & year of shipping along with a correct model info to let you know if it did have a 22 mag cylinder.
It's all in the details,,,,,,!

Sorry to bump this back up, but I am new to this and have a question. If I have a gun made prior to the bore diameter being opened up, (serial number is 1169**), is it still possible to pick up a mag cylinder and safely use it?
The bore on the pre 150,000 SN guns were smaller than the bore on the post 150,000 SN. guns.

To answer your question, I would not. I know others have, but I would not.

Hey Guys,
Not to start a flame war, but this got me to thinking. Boy is that a bad thing :( .
I agree with y'all about not shooting the 22 mag in the smaller barreled guns.
Well let's think about that. I know it would be hard to come up with facts since very few exist for the 22mag. Anyway I don't have any.
So what we have here is a gun made with a lot of steel and very small holes in the barrel and Cyl. So much steel that Ruger made a 32 H&R Mag on the same frame. Other guys have made 38 special & 41 Colts out of them also.
So now we have the same steel just not as much and great big holes to allow for big heavy bullets :D .
So the bottom line is can a tight 22 mag produce the same or more pressure build up that a 115 -158 or so bullet going through a lot less steel??
I have some 32 baby Vaqueros and a 32 Mag is pretty snappy round and I know some even load it hotter.
Here again "the right answer is don't shoot the 22mags"
I told you when I get to thinking it's not a good thing :oops: :oops:
Take care,
I don't think the excess pressure would damage the Ruger SS if shot with 22 mags. But why do it?

I know some guys that specifically search out the pre-mag SS revolvers so their 22 LR's will shoot better.

If I wanted a 22 mag (and I don't) I'd buy a newer model that came with the 22 mag cylinder and then use that gun only with 22 mags.