Super Redhawk's rear sight assembly problem?

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Sep 29, 2007
Seeley Lake
I was shooting one of my SRH 480s, and FA 83 475s yesterday with new 400-grain bullet loads @ 1150 fps. The SRH's inaccuracy was as disturbing as the M83's was encouraging.

1. With rear sight as low as I can set it, revolver shoots about 8 inches high at 25 yards and about 4 inches right of point of aim. The grouping was, charitably, about 6 inches per cylinderful.

2. SRH's rear sight assembly is wiggly laterally by hand. I strongly suspect this is the heart of the grouping problem. But if I use the elevation screw to increase tension -- reducing lateral movement of sight's base -- the point of impact problem becomes worse.
With same bullet at similar 1150 fps 475 Linebaugh loading, the M83 was about 1 inch high at 25 yards and about 2 inches right of point of aim. Group was about 1.5 inches at 25 yards. This revolver was fired after the SRH, so I suspect I'll shoot better with it (first) today.
I deduce the problem is less with me than the SRH. What is its problem? What can I do about it?
Stage 1:
Remove the rear sight, put it upside down on a hard surface and use a steel punch to peen the bottom edges to make it better fill the channel.

Stage 2:
Call H. Bowen and get one of his rear sights.
I have Millett rear sights on two of my shooters. One is a stainless .45 Colt Blackhawk and the other is my Model 83 F-A .454. I've no complaints whatsoever.

Add my vote for millett. Give Ruger a call and they will send you a higher front sight. Measure your sight before you call.
I have both Bowen and Millett and for the $$$ i'll buy the Millett. I think Freedom Arms uses Millett.
Many thanks, guys for the sight information. As I write, I'm in a my-back-is-up mood. A man who has been doing custom work for me -- for more than five years -- appears to have slipped it to me again. I have bestowed the Klein Curse on him.

And I'm thinking now: Dispose of this standard SRH 480, holster, brass, etc. My 475s shoot well and are intended for the same purpose.

Oh, well, perhaps the mood will pass.