Your bottom two 45 Colt example [of which I enbolded] are irrelevant because they are not the .452 Lehigh defense 220 grain Xtreme Defense bullet. You are comparing the first bullet to bullets that have absolutely nothing to do with what I ask Lehigh and their answer back to me.Lehigh defense 220gr 452 maximum expansion bullet length .900
45 colt cartridge oal 1.915
Case length 1.275
.900-.64=.26" inside the case
Accurate #5 max load 13gr no pressure given
True blue max load 12gr no pressure given
45 colt in a 45/410 shot chamber.
Barrel: 6 " fed 150 primer trim to 1.275
Laser cast 200gr rnfp bullet length .542
45 colt 200gr lc 1.560 oal
.542-.285=.257" inside the case
Accurate #5 13.1gr @13,696 psi
True blue 11.9gr @13,478 psi
The biggest factor in pressure of pistol cartridges is case capacity. Especially in the case of a 45 colt in a 3" chamber. Pistol cartridges reach their peak pressure at about 1/2" of bullet travel. In most situations that bullet has just entered the cylinder throat or for semi auto, has just entered the rifling. In your case it still has a mile to go as far as internal ballistics go. The Lehigh employee gave you a generic answer.
Another example in 45 colt.
Beartooth use to make a 350gr bullet called the lcmn(long cylinder medium nose), the nose was too long to fit in anything other than a red hawk when seated to the crimp groove. This was designed this way to give a larger case capacity vs similar weight bullets. The lcmn seated about .365 inside the case, this gave a bigger boiler room vs say a 340 ssk and resulted in the 350 taking about 4.5gr more h110 to reach the same pressure.
And yes while the ME bullet was made to shot out of a Judge so was the XD bullet going to be shot out of the same cylinders within that Judge. You keep bring up normal 45 Colt data and cylinder jump of which none of the two bullets in question would ever chambered in to start with. So I do not know why you keep bring that into play as if it were relevant to my posting.
Other than that there is a difference as to the bullet seating depth of the ME and the XD bullets which would make a difference in the usable case volume for sure, and while that is as well part of what this whole thread was about as well, yet so is the Brinell hardness and the bearing surfaces of bullets too. And Lehigh Defense's answer was not generic but rather quite specific. There were more emails of us talking back and forth about this subject but I only put forth hear the part that made the point. But you can argue other wise yet I know good and well what and why he said what he said, and it was that the two bullets have different metal compositions and bearing surface, period. Now He should had mentioned seating depth too but that point was moot being the other two points trumped them anyway. But yes in addition it would had made pressure even worse. So your point being taken still does not negate the two points that Lehigh brought up. Weather or not you except this fact is up to you. So just know that beside the point of seating depth that their Brinell hardness and bearing surfaces are so different one from anther that the pressure would be different. And a normal load data for a normal colt cylinder is tee totally irrelevant to the points of the conversation between me and Lehigh Defense.