STILL looking for a new Ruger 44 Special Flattop

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Dec 2, 2009
Anybody know where any are available? Seems that Bud's Gunshop had a few for a good price, but they're gone now.

My local dealer can't find me a 4-5/8" model anywhere. I was hoping that they would be in ample supply after the SHOT Show.

Davidson's and Sports South both show none in stock.
Don't lose heart. If the Lipsey's are already gone, Ruger has made these a regular catalog item (both blued and stainless - with one of them being a Bisley).

I haven't heard that they have shipped the new ones yet, but it should happen shortly.

I have a Lipsey and it is a DANDY!

If you are at all like me you'll LOVE it.:mrgreen:

Keep the faith there are a few out there.

Yes they are BOTH factory 44sp Flat Tops...

I feel kind of bad that last November I was walking through a gun shop and spotted two of them sitting there sadly on the shelf, and had to adopt one, knowing full well there are others out there who can't find one of their very own.
That bad feeling quickly went away though once I shot it. :lol:
Anyway, keep up the search. All of a sudden there is going to be a rush of them on the market when Ruger starts shipping again, and I can see a few people selling their Lipsey's to buy a stainless steel version.
Give Ed's Guns a call 910 692-7936
Not sure he has any, but if anyone in this state can hook you up, it is Ed.
Thanks, all, for the leads and the positive words. Fowler, nice photo!

Black029, I think I'll try that. I'm planning on going to the gun show in Greenville this weekend. Maybe I'll stumble on one there, although it seems that the shows these days have nothing but tactical gear and beef jerky. Oh, and a few Glocks, as well.

Dale53, I've been reading your positive comments of your flattop on the various forums I frequent (cast boolits, S&W, etc.)

Tek4260, PM me the name of that gun shop, if you don't mind.

For what it's worth, I've got the primers, the brass, the moulds, and the alloy for 44. Now, I'm just waiting on the gun!
These Medium Frame Flattop .44's are truly premium revolvers and to me are QUITE desirable. All they need is a good trigger job and a set of grips (I MUCH prefer Pachmayrs - yeah, I know, but what can I say :mrgreen:

If I had had a choice at the time, I would have chosen a Bisley. However, I like this one so much, and with the Pachmayrs it fits me SO WELL, that I won't be getting rid of it until they plant me :mrgreen:.

I recently added a couple of REALLY nice bullet moulds (a six cavity MiHec H&G #503 Clone and a two cavity brass Cramer style Hollow Point and I am READY for spring!!


The leather is by Red Dog Leather. It is as good as it looks. It is actually a two gun rig with one of the holsters removed for the photograph. Of course, it works equally well whether one or two are used.

The grips on the .44 Lipsey Special are Pachmayr grips for a Colt Single Action. They don't fit perfectly, but really fit "good enough". I have shot with them quite a bit and I am HAPPY!

The issue grips just don't fit me. I do pretty well with a Bisley Grip but the .44 Special didn't come with Bisley grips, at the time, so I went with the Black Hawk.

A good friend (What Cheer) sent me a pair of those Pachmayrs and I later found several on Ebay and shared them with a friend. They're still around, but you may have to hunt a bit (Pachmayr doesn't offer them for the Colt anymore, either:cry: ). I talked to both Hogue and Pachmayr and neither will be carrying them expressively for the XR3 Grip frames (most people prefer something pretty as compared with something that works, I guess:roll: ).

Thanks, again. I'm headed to a gun show tomorrow after church and will also check out a gunshop or two on Monday where there might be one in stock. If no luck, I may PM one of you for info on your local dealers who have them.

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