SS .44 mag Bisley?

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Dec 9, 2009
Eastern NC
When was a 5 1/2" stainless Bisley in 44 mag offered? Are there any still floating around out there?
This seems to be the least common of the stainless Bisley models. Keep your eyes open as they do occasionally show up. Prices seem stable and hover in the $600 range. I've seen 'em slightly less and slightly more.
Well, the KRBN-445W was made for Accusport in 2002. Known serial number range is 87-49555 to 87-52209. With approximately 1000 of those made.
2002, OK. I have a 7 1/2 SBH that I converted with a Bisley grip. I'd like one with a short barrel but want to keep the 7.5" as is so I'll keep looking.
One sold on GB last week. Started at $500 and ended at $1015; that's the 2nd I've seen break the grand mark. Another one on there a month ago sold for $450. It depends who's really wanting one and when.
Talk about a slam dunk in sales for Ruger. Stainless .44 Mag Bisleys in all barrel lengths would sell like hotcakes. Sign me up!

You are never going to see a New Vaquero chambered for 44 Magnum. The gun is not designed for the pressure. As far as new runs, I'm sure Ruger still has the tooling for the 'original model' Vaqueros stored safely away someplace, but other than some runs made up from pre-existing parts, you will have to convince Ruger that there is enough demand to dust off the older tooling.
Driftwood Johnson":2u6j60wv said:

You are never going to see a New Vaquero chambered for 44 Magnum. The gun is not designed for the pressure. As far as new runs, I'm sure Ruger still has the tooling for the 'original model' Vaqueros stored safely away someplace, but other than some runs made up from pre-existing parts, you will have to convince Ruger that there is enough demand to dust off the older tooling.

We are talking about the SS Bisley Blackhawk.
I guess they could make a new vaquero 5 shot but I was thinking about the large frame BH/SBH Bisley.
surveyor47":14mw3fru said:
What dealer or distributer handles the Accusport Bisley when they do make runs?

If it's a "Acusport" model, Acusport would have them. If they go the route of the "Williams'" ones, Williams' will have 'em. From there, any dealer can get them.