SRH 454

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Feb 11, 2008
Why don't they make the Super Redhawk .454 in stainless? I hate that "Target Gray" finish. I would definitely buy one if it wasn't for that. And, I don't want to buy one and then have it refinished. Oh well. There are other fish in the sea, and more guns that I like. :lol:
I asked the same thing. Unless you want to have it bead blasted, there's no poossibility. From what I DO understand, that disgusting target grey comes off real easy. I ended up buying a SRH 454 AND 480 in TG just so I had one of each caliber in the SRH platform. I just left 'em ugly rather than put more money into them

+1 on the target gray, that has never made me want to buy an SRH for the way it looks, seems a shame to make it from stainless and then hide it. I'm sure there are others who like it, each to there own.
IMHO, I really like the target Gray finish But, I use mine for Hunting & I do not want a glare from the gun, I find the finish very durable & Very low effort to maintain on hunting trips.
For all of you that want the non-target gray they made the first ones in 44 with a high polished stainless, then they did the brush style finish. Before the gray finish.J/S
The target grey has been discontinued and the new SRH are being shipped in normal SS finish. Wait.
Redhawk4":qqw40n8q said:
I'm sure there are others who like it, each to there own.

See I was right, SteveRuger likes it, I knew there had to be at least one :)

I can see it's practical purpose but I guess if it's been discontinued, Ruger are also of the opinion it isn't popular and is perhaps having a negative impact on sales. Either that or it's a cost issue or whatever - cue the conspiracy theory!
I have to admit that I didn't like the finish at first and then it just kind of grew on me to where I think it is my favorite. Very close to the same finish
that is on my mini 14. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't the 454 and the 480 both stainless? Its a process that Ruger does to make the steel stronger for the increased pressure of the 2 loads that makes the steel that grey color and Ruger just decided to leave it rather than polish it out? :?:
StonewallRuger":ek9lyhx3 said:
Why don't they make the Super Redhawk .454 in stainless? I hate that "Target Gray" finish. I would definitely buy one if it wasn't for that. And, I don't want to buy one and then have it refinished. Oh well. There are other fish in the sea, and more guns that I like. :lol:
Half an hour with the finest grade of ScotchBright® renders Target Gray to brush finish.
No.1Nick":94z0xsic said:
aren't the 454 and the 480 both stainless?

Its a process that Ruger does to make the steel stronger for the increased pressure of the 2 loads that makes the steel that grey color and Ruger just decided to leave it rather than polish it out? :?:

Correct ... both are stainless 'underneath'.

Incorrect ... Well ... partially ... the 454 and 480's steel is different from a metallurgical point of view, but it has nothing to do with the color. The target grey is supposedly a 'tumbled in' treatment that's on the surface only. I actually called Ruger to inquire about how to remove it, and they were very evasive about the process ... not sure why, it's not as if I could reproduce it or steal it ... I wanted to know how to REMOVE it.

EIther way, it's pretty easy to remove, because I accidentally removed some on my cylinder just trying to clean it.

If it comes off that easily, that would be another reason I wouldn't want it.

Is the finsh covered under the warranty?
Hope this statement is affiliated with the subject at hand but is it possible
to buy a ruger revolver and "not" put an extra $100 into it? Only if it sits
in a drawer.

1. Every one I own (6) had to have a trigger job
2. I had my .30 carbine blackhawk barrel reduced to 6.5" because
the factoryu refused to do it for me (my choice)
3. Some have different sights of which the factory didn't offer

revhigh":3mptd8p8 said:
Redhawk4":3mptd8p8 said:
Is the finsh covered under the warranty?
Yeah, right ......

I didn't think it would be, but given how easily folks are saying it comes off I thought that might be a reason for not continuing with it.
soufpaw":mq2f97xj said:
Hope this statement is affiliated with the subject at hand but is it possible
to buy a ruger revolver and "not" put an extra $100 into it? Only if it sits
in a drawer.

1. Every one I own (6) had to have a trigger job
2. I had my .30 carbine blackhawk barrel reduced to 6.5" because
the factoryu refused to do it for me (my choice)
3. Some have different sights of which the factory didn't offer

I've had a half dozen myself (still have 5) and have never "had" to do a trigger job. They were all serviceable out of the box. Even better if you simply unhook one trigger spring leg.

The other issues you mention are clearly personal preference.

So yes, I'd say it's more than possible to get one and not "have" to put $100 into it.

-- Sam
soufpaw":1n1uuhl8 said:
Hope this statement is affiliated with the subject at hand but is it possible
to buy a ruger revolver and "not" put an extra $100 into it? Only if it sits
in a drawer.

1. Every one I own (6) had to have a trigger job
2. I had my .30 carbine blackhawk barrel reduced to 6.5" because
the factoryu refused to do it for me (my choice)
3. Some have different sights of which the factory didn't offer


I haven't spent anything on my 4" Redhawk. It has a great trigger pull on double action it's better than my S&W. They seem to have improved things on these later models even the gun writers have noticed the later Rehawks DA pull. SA seems a little heavier than my S&W but nothing that concerns me. The sights are also perfectly adequate.

Part of the fun for others, is spending money getting custom work done regardless of the manufacturer, so it's not specifically a Ruger issue.
I've spent more time and money fixing rugers that somebody thought needed to be fixed and every one I've bought new a was great right out of the box but I've only been shooting rugers for 29 years so I guess You should ask somone with more experience
I like the grey just fine...and for the same reason that STEVERUGER likes it: reduced glare.
What's not to love

Couldn't resist
I think ALL manufactures build to suit main stream buyers, Ruger included.
The 'Target Grey' finish probably sounded like a good idea at the time and I know Ruger has made some other short runs of SP and GP models with the same finish. I have never owned one so I am not going to comment on the durability of it, but I thought I looked pretty good, at least new.
I would think that if the finish is coming off, a call to Ruger would be in order to see if they would re-finish before removing it unless you just don't like it.

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