I didn't even know they made a short barrel 158, I thought it only came in a 125 but I haven't kept up with their product. I actually prefer Double Tap over Underwood and Buffalo Bore myself. I'm sure their low recoil 357 is on the level but I'm weary of their high power loads.Ordered two boxes of Buffalo Bore Low Flash Reduced Recoil Short Barrel 158 grain JHP .357 ammo. They read to be stouter than the Speer 140 grain reduced recoil short barrel ammo, a hundred fps faster with a slightly heavier bullet. I have always shot 158 grain ammo in .38 Special and .357s. Seems to me that is what the guns were made for. I have plenty of .38 Special FMJ and lead round nose to start with.
Thanks for the advice.
I stick with 158s myself but as long as I'm above the 125 range I'm generally happy. Now I don't mind the 125s in 38 special but that's a different story. The Winchester and Remington 125 +ps are some of the only 38 hollowpoints I trust. Those and the FBI load are about it. Not a fan of the 110s or lighter though.