sp101 vs LCR

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Oct 27, 2009
Never been much of a handgun guy, but have started looking at a few revolvers. The SP101 or LCR seem to be sort of what I am looking for. Can somebody give me a little pro and con for each to help me with my decision. I have heard good things about the LCR, but not really looking to carry, just to have around.
in my opinion the lcr is stricly a deep concealment belly gun made to be carried alot and shot a little. i dont group well with it past 10yrds

the sp101 is built like a bank vault and has extra weight to it. but it shoots like a fullsize .357 and will digest any .357/.38 bullet you like unlike the lcr which is .38 only. i carry my 3inch sp101 in town small of back and strong side while fishing and hiking.

i guess i would say get the sp101 for shooting hiking fishing ect. or get the lcr for deep concealment. though i would buy the lcp for pocket carry before the lcr
I just got done looking at the SP101 and the LCR. They are both very nice revolvers, but I settled on the SP101.
The LCR: Nicest feeling revolver at the sales counter. Fit my hand perfectly. Nice light weight (12 oz) will make an excellent conceal carry gun. Shoots 38 spec +p (should be adequate for any self defense).
On the minus side: not the prettiest belle at the ball, Ruger has lately become famous for putting new product out that had to be recalled for one reason or another.

The SP101: been around for many years, very solid, reliable revolver that with minimum care will probably last longer than you. Can use 357 magnum as well as 38 Special and 38 Special +P, this gives you more options (having more options in never a bad thing), Nice compact package, easy to conceal, lots of fire power for such an easy concealable revolver.
On the minus side: 25 ounces (before you add any ammunition) compared to 12 ounces for the LCR.

The tipping point: I took both revolvers to the range. The LCR is a nice shooter, but with only 12 ounces you feel every ounce of recoil that a 38 spec+P round delivers. Not that it is not controllable (it is!) But if I am going to shoot this revolver a lot (I am), then the recoil will probably become annoying at the end of the day. The SP101 shoots like a much larger revolver. 38 spec and 38 spec+P rounds are quite comfortable. 357 mag does deliver some recoil, but it is quite controllable. The worst part of 357 mag is the noise; and there is nothing you can do about that. I can shoot this gun all day long.

I chose the SP101 and have a revolver that I may not want to pocket carry all day long, but IWB or OWB or Smart Carry (crotch holster) are no problem. The gun shoots very accurately for a 2-1/4" barrel snubby, looks great, and gives me the option of 38 spec, 38 spec+P or 357 mag rounds.

Do yourself a favor and shoot both revolvers before you make your decision. Either gun will work well.
If concealed carry is not even an issue then I'd say go for the SP101 with a 3" barrel in 357 mag. By doing so you will have a really strong, tried and tested platform that can fire a versatile range of ammo. I'd go with the 3" barrel for slightly better ballistics and less muzzle blast. With the SP101 in this configuration you'd have a great all round revolver that could fulfill a host of target and SD scenarios, including hiking or camping. The extra weight is an advantage with regards to recoil and your likely accuracy and has no real disadvantage if you don't carry concealed.

Nothing against the LCR other than a couple of small doubts so early on in production, I just think it's a revolver that is designed primarily for one purpose and you've stated that carrying is not your purpose.
The problems with the 327 version are one thing, for me it's going to a relatively rare caliber with no obvious advantages over the 38 spl/357 mag that doesn't make sense to me. Check the ammo prices for 100 rds of white box winchester 38 spl for target and plinking vs buying 100 rds of 327.

It seems to me unless you have a good reason, sticking to the really common and popular calibers saves you alot of money if you shoot factory ammo.
Redhawk4":11cy8xib said:
The problems with the 327 version are one thing, for me it's going to a relatively rare caliber with no obvious advantages over the 38 spl/357 mag that doesn't make sense to me. Check the ammo prices for 100 rds of white box winchester 38 spl for target and plinking vs buying 100 rds of 327.

It seems to me unless you have a good reason, sticking to the really common and popular calibers saves you alot of money if you shoot factory ammo.

Not a good comparison to put 327 prices against 38 spl. The price of 327 is better compared to 357. If you want to see the prices between 38spl, then you should compare it to the 32 H&R or the 32 S&W long. (You can get the 32S&W long for a little bit less than 38spl).

The 327 Federal will shoot 327, 32 H&R, 32S&W Long, 32 S&W.

The 357 will shoot 357, 38spl, possibly 38 Long Colt, and Possibly 38 Short Colt.

Im giving the LCR my vote here. Its a toss up between the 2 but ive had SP101's that Ive sold. Love the gun, but when its just as heavy as my Glock and holds only a 1/3 of the ammo I really had no use for it. I do like the LCR specifically because of the light weight and to me the best grip Ive ever felt. Theyre both great guns. If its just gonna be a house gun go with a 3 or 4 inch GP100.
SP101 hands down, the LCR feels cheap, the SP is like a tank. 357 is the only choice the 327 is yet nother caliber that has been foisted on the consumer promising to be the answer to all needs and it really answers none.
Edited to add: I pocket carry my 2.25" SP101 357 daily and have for 2.5 yrs now, it's not too heavy for carry.
trouble":3v05a2f3 said:
357 is the only choice the 327 is yet nother caliber that has been foisted on the consumer promising to be the answer to all needs and it really answers none.

I'm a big believer that we've had all the calibers we've needed for a long time. Someone's always trying to "foist" a new round on the market, but ususally the performance is so close to an existing caliber that there's no real benefit to offset ammo costs, availability and the chance of extintsion. 45 GAP comes to mind, the amount the cartridge was shorter than 45 ACP and the difference it made to gun dimensions so small the point was lost on me. 480 Ruger might be another. Many are introduced as some new miracle to persuade gun owners they need to buy another gun.

There's nothing wrong with any of these new calibers, it just that if you look how simple a cartridge is, brass, primer, powder, bullet there isn't really any room to come up with anything really ground breaking, you just end up reinventing the wheel.

IMO you need a really good reason to go outside the older standards.

"Not a good comparison to put 327 prices against 38 spl. The price of 327 is better compared to 357"

I wasn't comparing performance, just the fact 38 spl gives a really cheap practice round, which is one of the big plusses of 357 mag platform.
For general use, but not concealed carry, the SP-101, no question. It's stronger, accepts much more powerful ammunition and is much easier to shoot due to it's weight. I further recommend the 3-1/16" barrel and in .357 for the improved ballistics and better "shootability" from the longer sight radius and reduced muzzle blast. As mentioned, the SP-101 can be a fine kit or trail gun too.

If you are going to use it as a carry gun, the LCR is much lighter but is restricted to a less effective round.
I have an LCR, but I'll have to agree with most here. If you're not going to carry it, I'd go with the SP101.

Honestly though (I'm not 100% sure exactly what you're going to do with it) I would go with a GP100 for just a shooter/house/truck revolver. I just wanted to throw this in even though it wasn't an option you gave just so you knew what was out there.
I have a SP101 in 2.25 inch barrel and it is my ccw revolver and with 4 0r 5 HKS speedloaders in my pockets,I have no bleeping problems. rich642z :twisted:
I agree completely with what bkhann, trouble and rich642z said. I love my SP101. I wanted a gun that I could carry, even in my front pocket where my SP101 ususally is and shoot all day without flinching or have my hand to hurt. I do not truly trust semi automatics, yes even Glocks. Besides the SP101 is prettier than any LCR, and is a proven gun from all the years that the SP101 has been around.
I was really staying away from the GP because I didn't want to rule out the option of carrying, and it seems a little big for that, just didn't want the carry part to sway opinion on the guns. the .327 comments make a lot of sense to me, I was leaning toward that because of all the different ammo it takes but there is something to be said about using what has always been good instead of trying the new greatest thing.

CrossEyedLarry":1rnemh2f said:
I was really staying away from the GP because I didn't want to rule out the option of carrying, and it seems a little big for that, just didn't want the carry part to sway opinion on the guns. Thanks

Fair enough, SP101, no doubt!! 8)
The LCR has probably sold more internal lock equipped S&W 642 & 442 revolvers than the sum of all the advertising S&W has ever put out. If you want a Ruger, buy an SP101. Therre are 2 chances I would ever trust my life to an LCR, slim and none.
I also carry the SP101 without any problems. I like the comfort of using a 357 in loads that I know are effective.
I have 1 of each of these, & I agree with the consensus. the 101 is a fine handgun; I've carried it but the LCR is WAAAAY better for that. on the other hand, the LCR is pretty snappy, I wouldn't take it just for fun at the range, whereas you can shoot the 101 all day quite happily.