SP 101 Trigger Job DIY??

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Oct 13, 2007
Blue heaven, NC USA
I did both, and it came out great. Wolff springs, 1lb lighter, and everything lightly polished and lubed. Made a huge difference, and was easy to do.
Good luck!
I agree. It's not a hard job. Just follow the basic rules about light polish, keep engagement surfaces clean & sharp, remove rough areas, light oil & slightly lighter springs.
I hope it is OK to mention other web sites....

But check out:


I believe the rules there are still the same, but after you become a member and do at least 10 posts, a "library" of excellent materials opens up for you.

One of the on-line library books available is a 17-page, step-by-step instruction manual on how and what to polish on an SP101 to really slick it up. It is written so that anyone with common tools and patience can achieve good results.

I just got my second SP101 last week and after following a few of the "easy" instructions (I didn't disassemble the trigger assembly), now have a 10.5 lb DA trigger pull and 2.5 SA trigger pull with the stock springs.

I have the spring kit and the lighter hammer springs do drop the trigger pull even more --- but since this is a SD firearm and I like the way the stock hammer spring feels, I'll keep this one with stock springs.

BTW, The springs that fit an SP101 also fit GP100's, so I'll use the spring kit on my GP100 target revolver (that wouldn't be a such a big deal if it had a FTF).

Hope this helps!

About a year ago I read about a 'Trigger Job In a Jar'. I no longer have the magazine, but I'm pretty sure it was a kit available from Brownells.
On the other hand, 2 gunsmiths looked at mine and told me to leave it alone. I was the 3rd owner, so maybe someone had all ready done it.
It is plenty smooth, I just wanted a little lighter pull.
OCD, it's WELL WORTH getting the IBOK. I did the IBOK "fluff and buff" to both my SP101 and GP100. My SP wasn't that bad from the factory (once I cleaned it and got the floor sweepings out of the action- it was FILTHY!!!!!) but now, it's even smoother than a lot of the S&Ws I've handled. It's still kinda heavy since I left the factory springs in it for reliable ignition but it's SMOOOOOOTH! There is a separate IBOK for the SP on the other site, too.

I'm new to the forum. I can't wait to see more but don't understand why someone needs to post 10 times before they can see additional content of the forum. I don't understand the purpose?
Update: You can't get the IBOKs now, from what I understand, but if you go to that "other site", you will find a post by the author of the IBOK (Iowegan) as he's now selling all his Ruger info as a small book for just $15.00 delivered.

IMHO that's a very SMALL PRICE to pay, as you're getting 10X to 20X the value from the small charge, PLUS the satisfaction of doing the work yourself.

Good luck,

Old No7
Sir, some of the guys on here have had their SP101's tuned by Alan Harton and they speak very highly of his work. The sixgun you are getting from me has approximately a 5 lb trigger in SA with just a bit of creep. Should be very tuneable.