Source for push-in crosspins?

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Desert Dawg

Nov 3, 2005
N/W Arizona
Looking for a .099 OD x .450 long crosspin and a .099 OD x .680 or .700 crosspin.

No problem to cut one down.

Anyone know of a source?
mike7mm08":2fevphc9 said:
#39 drill rod is .099. Buy a section and cut what you need.

Good idea, thanks.

Was thinking of going through all my drills - 400+ - and seeing what would match up.

Probably have to get the drill rod from MSC, but not a problem.

I can't find any cross-pins anywhere.
Local or the gun parts people.

Seems like Brownell's used to have a kit of them.

With three fairly good gun stores locally, I was surprised to find that none of them have cross-pins or gun specific machine screws.

Probably the best bet in that area is the big pawn shop.
I'm thinking they may have some spare parts since a lot of the guns that come out of pawn and are sold are many times missing something.;
Brownells seem to be slowly cutting down their inventory unless it is parts for an AR. As far as local shops go I have pretty much given up on the ones in my area. If you need anything other than the latest greatest overpriced gun or ammo they cannot help you. That and real gunsmiths are nonexistent nowadays as well. If your lucky you can find a "gunsmith" that can replace parts without breaking something. If you ask them to make you something you get the deer in headlights look. Here is a source for drill rod ... s/992.html