I have ordered a second hand KM77VT MKII in 22-250 caliber with brown laminate stock over the net. The fininsh is matte stainless acording to Ruger customer support when I gave them the serial number. The rifle is shipped from Ruger in Feb 2004.
The thing is that I have a hunting magazine with a picture of a KM77VT MKII which looks to have the target gray stainless fininsh but I could be wrong.
When did Ruger change the fininsh from matte stainless to target gray stainless?
And, when did they start using a two stage trigger? (so I know if mine will have one or not)
The 2004 model I bought, is it the same as to days rifles beside the fininsh or has something else changed?
I have ordered a second hand KM77VT MKII in 22-250 caliber with brown laminate stock over the net. The fininsh is matte stainless acording to Ruger customer support when I gave them the serial number. The rifle is shipped from Ruger in Feb 2004.
The thing is that I have a hunting magazine with a picture of a KM77VT MKII which looks to have the target gray stainless fininsh but I could be wrong.
When did Ruger change the fininsh from matte stainless to target gray stainless?
And, when did they start using a two stage trigger? (so I know if mine will have one or not)
The 2004 model I bought, is it the same as to days rifles beside the fininsh or has something else changed?